Scurtă descriere
Professor Dr. Habil. Alina Cristina Nuta
Danubius University of Galati
Galati Bvd 3, 800654 Romania
Alina Cristina Nuţă is Full Professor Dr. Habil. in Finance at Danubius University of Galati, Romania, with over 17 years of teaching and research experience. She has a double bachelor's degree in Finance and Insurance and in Public Administration and a master's degree in Financial and Banking Management from "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi.
She attended the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi defending the thesis entitled "Economic and social implication of fiscal and budgetary policy" in 2009.
During the same period, she had teaching activities and won research funding from National University Research Council - Ministry of Education to carry out a project in the field of her doctoral thesis, completed in 2009.
In 2014, she won, through a national competition, a research grant for postdoctoral studies with the topic "Current challenges of aging population in Romania and implications on fiscal policy" based on a contract with "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University from Iași and Bucharest University of Economic Studies, the activities of this grant being completed in 2015. In 2015 she had postdoctoral research visit at Macerata University, Italy, within the Department of Law and Political Economy.
Starting with 2014, she is coordinating the Open, Online, and Distance Learning Department at Danubius University, Galati.
In February 2022, she defended her habilitation thesis at the University of Craiova, Romania, with the title "Scientific contributions regarding fiscal and budgetary stimulus for promoting sustainable and equitable economic growth", receiving the Habilitation Order from the Ministry of Education on June 2022.
Her scientific research is carried out in the following fields: Finance, Public finance, Taxation, Public Spending, Fiscal and budgetary policies, Social policy, Green finance, Energy economics, Environmental economics, FinTech, Stock market, Online and Distance learning, and Public economics.
During the 17 years of academic career she was involved in numerous editorial initiatives as editor or member in the international scientific committee for several scientific journals and international conferences, conducting over 500 peer-reviews.
Alina Cristina Nuţă este absolventă a Facultăţii de Economie și Administrarea Afacerilor din cadrul Universităţii „Al.I. Cuza” din Iași cu licenţă în Finanţe-Asigurări și Administrație Publică. În 2005 a absolvit studiile aprofundate, în cadrul aceleiaşi instituţii, în domeniul Managementului financiar - bancar.
În anul 2011 a obţinut diploma de doctor în Ştiinţe Economice (domeniul Finanțe) la Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi. Teza de doctorat a fost elaborată pe tema Politici fiscal-bugertare.
În 2007 a câştigat prin competiţie naţională finanţarea din partea CNCSIS pentru a derula un proiect de cercetare în domeniul tezei de doctorat, proiect finalizat în anul 2009.
În anul 2014 a câştigat prin competiţie naţională un grant de studii postdoctorale pe bază de contract cu Universitatea „Al.I Cuza” din Iași și ASE Bucureşti, activităţile acestui grant fiind finalizate în anul 2015.
Domenii de cercetare
Printre cele mai relevante preocupări ştiinţifice amintim:
- Studierea relației dintre Cheltuielile publice și Creșterea economică
- Analiza privind echitatea sistemului public de pensii;
- Modelarea implicațiilor factorilor economici, demografici și instituționali asupra presiunii fiscale;