

EU-CLING – Research and Education for European Climate-neutral Economic Growth Erasmus-JMO-2022-Module. Project no. 101085630

Project summary

EU-CLING will provide teaching in European Union studies connected to the ongoing courses at the host institution and will extend the educational contents to include topics related to the European „green deal”, climate change mitigation, and carbon-free economic growth such as non-financial assessment and reporting, sustainability performance and reporting, European „green deal” for entrepreneurs, social and environmental responsibility, European environmental fiscal instruments, environmental costs or European green supply chain accounting. Besides that, it will organize activities (seminars/round tables, workshops, etc.) targeting the communication between different types of stakeholders to provide a raised awareness regarding the European values and priorities. These stakeholders will be invited to attend and to participate with direct contributions in all academic events (invited lectures in courses and roundtables; keynote speakers in seminars and workshops) and will benefit from the research activity results. Along the three years of implementation, the project will address about 200 students and about 100 participants in the events to be organized (round tables and workshops). The impact of the project will be significant as other academic staff members will benefit from the good practice of the project activities as we intend to organize at least one collegial meeting each year to present the implementation of the project and to share the experience. At the institutional level, the gains of the project will be underlined by better knowledge and understanding about the European funding for research and teaching purposes. The internal events (roundtables and workshops) for disseminating among the academic community the experiences in the project and the results of it will not only raise the level of awareness but will cultivate the desire for accessing such European instruments for research and teaching activities.

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