14th International Conference - THE DANUBE, AXIS OF EUROPEAN IDENTITY

The 14th Edition of DAIE Conference, organized by Danubius International University of Galati, Romania, in collaboration with Cahul State University “B.P. Hasdeu”, Republic of Moldova, Izmail State Liberal Arts University, Ukraine, University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Bulgaria and EDUCONS University, Serbia, Kyiv National University of Culture, Ukraine, Free International University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova, will be held at the seat of Danubius International University of Galati, Romania, on June 29, 2024, online via ZOOM Platform, on JUNE, 29, Danubius International University.

The central theme of this series of events focuses on the Danubian scientific research. The participants, academics and researchers, meet yearly, on the occasion of the International Danube Day (June 29), in order to exchange information and to conceptually debate the wide range of Danubian issues.

Mobilizing experts from different fields, the Conference regards interdisciplinarity as a goal of university research.

The purpose of the Annual International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas and research outcomes on the following themes:

1. Danubian Economy and Legislation;

  • Danubian Economy;
  • River Legislation.

2. European Construction between desideratum and realities

  • Europeity and Europeism;
  • Communication and Spirituality;

3. Local Communities – diachrony and synchrony

  • Local Communities;
  • History, Mentality and Imagology.

4. Estudentiana (Students and MA students)

5. Entrepreneurial Perspectives and their Impact on the Danube


Si in acest an universitar, absolventii danubieni ai studiilor de licenta vor beneficia de o reducere din taxa de studii pentru un program de masterat, in valoare de 20%.

Aceasta reducere de taxa este acordata pentru primul an de studii de master, incepand cu anul universitar 2024-2025.

Programele de master ale Universitatii Internationale Danubius sunt:

  • Drept și Administrație Publică Europeană
  • Științe Penale
  • Managementul Afacerilor în Comerț și Turism
  • Audit și Control Public și Privat
  • Finanțe și Tehnologie Digitală (FINTECH)
  • Management Financiar Public și Privat
  • Managementul Securității în Relațiile Internaționale
  • Afaceri și Economie Internațională (interdisciplinar)

Mai multe detalii despre modalitatea de acordare a acestei reducei se pot obtine la Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. sau la 0742444470.

Dosarele de admitere se pot depune online, pe platforma www.admitere.univ-danubius.ro, la sediul central din Bd. Galati nr. 3 sau in centrele teritoriale de inscrieri - https://admitere.univ-danubius.ro/informatii/centre-teritoriale-de-inscriere

Language skills courses ITALIAN LANGUAGE - specialized language for medical personnel

The course is aimed at all people interested in a medical career in Italy, internships or specialization courses. The ten lessons are structured in intervals of 2 hours, to provide learners with the necessary terminology for development communication skills in medical Italian and the deepening of some grammatical and lexical contents specific to the B2 level of competence.


Duration of the course

10 lessons with a duration of 2 hours each in online format.



Knowledge of vocabulary, grammar specific to the B1 level of competence.


Topics for discussion

1. The human body

2. Medical instruments

3. National Sanitary Service

4. The hospital. Emergency services

5. Blood collection

6. The digestive system

7. Cardiovascular system

8. Respiratory system

9. Urinary system

10. Osteoarticular system


Italian language trainer

University Lecturer Doctor Vanina Botezatu is a professor in the Faculty of Communication and International Relations of the University Danubius Galați since 2016. Academic preparation encompasses both specialized and advanced courses. The specialized courses were made at Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy (Didactics of language and Italian culture for foreigners, 2021), Cervantes Institute Madrid (Language assessor Spanish C1-C2, 2020) Spain and University for Foreigners - Perugia, Italy (Teaching the Italian language - linguistic, cultural and methodological mode, 2019).


Participation fee

150 EURO - includes the 10 lessons of 2 hours each, as well as the course support digital format.


Documents required for registration

- Sending the registration form provided by the organizer, in scan format;

- Passing the knowledge assessment test provided by organizer, in scan format;

- Sending a copy of the identity card/ passport, in scan format;

- Sending a copy after the graduation diploma of the last unit of education followed, in scan format;

- Sending a copy after proof of payment of the participation fee, after admitted/rejected results, in the time interval mentioned in the registration calendar.


Registration calendar

Sending the necessary documents

Payment of the registration fee









Registrations are carried out according to the calendar above, the documents are sent in scan format to the e-mail address Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..

The courses are completed with the issuance of a diploma of participation issued by Danubius  International University from Galați, Romania.








Enhancing the Romanian Higher Education Comparative Advantage:  The Role of the Diasporas. Discourse presented by the Rector at the 45th American-Romanian Academy Congress

Enhancing the Romanian Higher Education Comparative Advantage:  The Role of the Diasporas

 Presented at

 45th American-Romanian Academy Congress, National University of Science and Technology-Politehnica, Bucharest, Romania


 Dr. Steve O. Michael

Professor, Rector & CEO

Danubius International University

Galati, Romania


Read the entire article here.

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