The International Conference: Virtual Communities in the Era of General Data Protection Regulation (VCGDPR) - The 5th Edition, 2021

The Law Faculty Organizes The International Conference: Virtual Communities in the Era of General Data Protection Regulation (VCGDPR)

The 5th Edition, 2021

Media Partner: #JURIDICE.ro

November 10th 2021, 11.00 A.M.-14.00 P.M., Senate Room


Keynote speakers:

Associate Professor Andy PUŞCĂ

Professor Andrea BORRONI

Professor Daniel-Mihail ŞANDRU

Dr. Irina ALEXE

Associate Professor Ana Alina IONESCU DUMITRACHE



Center for European Law Studies (CELS) – Institute of Juridical Research ”Acad. Andrei Rădulescu”, Romanian Academy

RALEF – The Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs

The Society of Juridical Sciences Wolters Kluwer

Center for Data Protection (CDP) – Universitatea Petru Maior, Tîrgu-Mureș


LEGALITC – The International Association for Law, Culture and Society

SOROCAPP – The Romanian Research Society for Public and Private Affairs

Editura Universitara

Institute of Legal Research „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” – Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS) of the Romanian Academy

Department of Political Sciences of the „Luigi Vanvitelli” University of Campania


For further details on registration and participation

– 0733180311 (Associate Professor Ana Alina Ionescu-Dumitrache, Dean of the Law Faculty)

Rebranding of the “Danubius” University Library

The project of rebranding “Danubius” University Library looks into the expension of the target group of those who benefit from the services offered by our Library and into vissualy and thematically identifying the institution with the local community. 

Among the activities implied by this project of rebranding we mention the restructuring of the Library’s space through iplementing a series of “thematic corners” (e.g.: “La Boema”, “The World of Ancient Philosophers”, “The Old City”, “The Industrial Revolution 4.0” etc.).

About all the above, Florian Nuță, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, the project’s initiator, told us that “along with the activities in connection with the Library’s infrastructure, we envisage to organize a diversity of events on different topics for the academic community, but also dedicated to the local one as a whole. Some of the activities/ events will be organized in partnership with social partners, with the ones from the business environment or with the ones pertaining to particular professions. The thematic corner “The Old City”, the first of its kind that we launched, highlights the collection of old and patrimony books owned by “Danubius” University. We wish to offer a display space for this collection, but also one of proper study. This way, the area of the Library where these books will be displayed is so designed to send the user of the Library’s services in the period when the volumes were published (the 19th and beginning of 20th century). The vintage atmosphere will confer an authentic touch and one of elegance to the study experience in the “Danubius” University’s Library, prone to stimulate the reader’s imagination and curiosity. This approach will broaden, at the same time, the range of users of the Library’s services, responding not only to study requirements but also to academic research. We thank our partners from Agress Beauty Clinique for the given support in this endeavor”.

“Students are our Business”, a New Initiative for Danubian Students

Professor William B. Harvey, Rector of “Danubius” University met Danubian students’ representatives, at the beginning of the new academic year, to initiate a new project: “Students are our Business”. The initiative implies free discussions among Rector and students in order to launch new projects on upgrading the services and offering new benefices for all those enrolled: students, graduates, other trainees etc. Rector William B. Harvey underlined for the young audience the fact that it is of great importance for them to become examples for each other and advised them to be as receptive as possible to any kind of change they encounter, also saying that “change is a pillar in life”.

“Students are our Business” is a complex endeavor that involves students and graduates from all the faculties in order to provide everyone with the best academic and accommodation services.  

A Researcher from „Danubius” University Coordinates a Fundamental Work Regarding Scholar’s Eugeniu Coșeriu Linguistic Theory

Recently, at De Gruyter (Berlin/Boston) - publishing house of international prestige, the volume Eugenio Coseriu. Past, Present and Future, taken care by Professors Klaas Willems (Gent University, Belgium) and Cristinel Munteanu („Danubius” University of Galați, Romania) was issued. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110712391/html

The publishing of this volume was occasioned by the centennial of the Romanian scientist’s Eugeniu Coșeriu (1921-2002) birth, well-known theoretician and philosopher of language. It’s the first collective volume written ad integrum in English within which more renowned specialists (Jürgen Trabant, Jörn Albrecht, Wolf Dietrich, Ana Agud, Johannes Kabatek, Pierre Swiggers et alii) present a variety of points of view regarding Coșeriu’s scientific work, looking into its continuous relevance for the sciences of language.    

This volume aims at enhancing researchers’ preoccupied with language and communication interest for Eugeniu Coșeriu’s linguistic theory, a theory coherently and unitary developed having as departure point “the activity of talking”. Contributors’ articles are grouped into three overreaching themes: (1) the philosophy of language, (2) the history of the science of language and (3) the theory and the practice of “comprehensive linguistics”.

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