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International Relations


The mission of the International Relations Department is to develop and implement the Internationalization Strategy of Danubius International University as well as to promote its international profile as a forum for education, science and culture in Romania, Europe and in the world.

The fostered activities have the following development directions:

1. promoting and disseminating internationally, by any available means the good practices of Danubius International University;

2. promoting the Danubius educational offer abroad;

3. increasing the mobility volume of foreign professors and students to Danubius International University;

4. increasing the interest in mobility offers for Danubius teachers and students;

5. logistical support for Danubius students and teachers who access mobility programs or wish to broaden their horizons of academic cooperation and more;

6. permanent logistical support in making the required cultural adjustments in order to establish international contacts individually,

7. the permanent increase in the number of international partnerships (academic and not only) both at European and extra-European level;

8. providing pertinent and permanent information to the management of Danubius International University regarding the evolution and structure of the international environment in which the university operates as well as regarding the opportunities for development and international collaboration;

9. broadening the perspectives for presenting the Danubius educational offer internationally;

10. logistical support in order to organise events at international level - conferences, workshops, seminars for the dissemination of good practices;

11. representation at specific events with reference to the university's activity in the international environment;

12. permanent support in the personal involvement of the internal environment of the university (students, faculty and administration) in the development of the personal relationships with the established or potential international partners of the university.

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