

Researcher Profile


Professor Cristinel Munteanu, PhD, Dr. habil.



Professor Cristinel MUNTEANU, PhD, Dr. habil.

“Danubius” University of Galați, Romania

Faculty of Communication and International Relations

E-mail: cristinel.munteanu@univ-danubius.ro



  • Cristinel Munteanu is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology within the “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați, Romania (specialization: Romanian-English, in 2001; master’s degree in Theory and Practice of Text, in 2003).
  • In 2006 he obtained the title of PhD in philology (magna cum laude) at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, guided by Professor Stelian Dumistrăcel, with the thesis “Phraseological Synonymy in the Romanian Language from the Integral Linguistics Point of View” (published in 2007; frequently cited in the specialized studies). It refers to the first important application (in the Romanian science) of Coseriu’s linguistic theory to the lexico-phraseological field and of semantic relations.
  • In 2017 (at the same university of Iași), under the guidance of Professor Ştefan Afloroaei (corresponding member of the Romanian Academy), Cr. Munteanu defended his second PhD thesis, receiving the title of PhD in philosophy (summa cum laude). The chosen subject was “John Dewey and the Problem of Meaning. From the Theory of Inquiry to the Premises of an Integral Hermeneutics”, investigating a series of aspects connected to logic, theories of interpretation and philosophy of language. The respective doctoral thesis was published in 2019.
  • In 2019 (at the University of Pitești) Cr. Munteanu defended his habilitation thesis (From Phraseologisms to Discourse Traditions. Etymological and Stylistic Contributions) and was conferred the title of habilitation (post-doctoral qualification), i.e. Dr. habil. in philology Starting with 2019, he is also affiliated to the Doctoral School of Philology, within IOSUD University of Pitești (which became, in 2023, part of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest).
  • Between 2019-2021, Cr.M. participated (within “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași) in Postdoctoral Programs of Advanced Research, and obtained a certificate of postdoctoral degree in philosophy. The title of his dissertation was Philosophical Influences in Eugenio Coseriu’s Integral Linguistics: John Dewey and R.G. Collingwood.
  • In 2020, he became a full professor at “Danubius” University of Galați.
  • Cr.M. has been working in the field of higher education for (almost) 20 years, teaching mainly subjects from the sphere of communication/language sciences and journalism, and also from the domain of philosophy (Fundamentals of Communication, Introduction to Mass-media, Semiotics, Rhetoric, Journalistic Genres, Writing Techniques, Principles of Correct Usage, Critical Thinking, Ethics, Legal Logic etc.).
  • Since 2020, he has been the director of the Center for Hermeneutics “Symbols and Texts” (CHeST) from “Danubius” University of Galați.

Research Areas

  • Author of many studies and articles on the etymology, dynamics and stylistics of phraseologisms, coordinator, editor and co-author of a book devoted to set phrases and famous formulae (Discursul repetat între alteritate şi creativitate [“Repeated Discourse between Alterity and Creativity”], 2008), Cristinel Munteanu has become an authority thanks to his book Frazeologie românească. Formare şi funcţionare [“Romanian Phraseology. Its Forming and Functioning”] (2013), which led to him being selected as an author of chapter “Phraséologie du roumain” in the volume „Le Roumain” of the series “Manuals of Romance Linguistics” (soon to be published at the famous publishing house De Gruyter).
  • At the same time, his constant preoccupation (of over 20 years) for the linguistic theory of the scholar Eugenio Coseriu (materialized, among others, in his books Lingvistica integrală coşeriană. Teorie, aplicaţii şi interviuri [“The Coserian Integral Linguistics. Theory, Applications and Interviews”] (2012) and Traditions and Innovations in Language and Linguistics. A Coserian Perspective (Peter Lang, 2017) led to him being invited at various international and national congresses, symposia and conferences. So far, Cr. Munteanu has participated in over 60 scientific events (from congresses to colloquiums), most of them international.
  • He has published over 200 specialized articles, studies and reviews in Romanian research volumes and journals (“Meridian critic”, “Anadiss”, “Communication interculturelle et littérature”, “Limba română”, “Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio” etc.), as well as international ones (“Energeia”, “Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences”, “Romanistisches Jahrbuch” etc.). Some of his articles have already been published in ISI journals, such as “Revue roumaine de linguistique”, “Philologica Jassyensia” and “Zeitschrift für romanisch Philologie”.


  • Other (acknowledged) contributions of Cr.M. refer to the field of anthroponomy (studies on the names of literary characters), rhetoric, functional stylistics and philosophy of language (with a special emphasis on Plato, Aristotle, Demetrios, Pseudo-Hermogenes et alii), semiotics (he restored and redefined the term “aberrant decoding”, launched by Umberto Eco), journalism (he has original approaches on either the stylistic virtues of journalistic text or the atypical headlines), text linguistics, hermeneutics etc.
  • What is more, Cr.M.’s activity as an editor is also worth mentioning. In this respect, Cr.M. edited critically (in 2008), in a bilingual version (in collaboration with the classical philologist Cr. Bejan), the first PhD thesis in the world dedicated to journalism: Tobias Peucer, De relationibus novellis/Despre relatările jurnalistice [“On News Reporting”, Leipzig, 1690] – a reference text for the researchers interested in the history and theory of this domain. In 2013 he edited, from the impressive work of B.P. Hasdeu, a volume entitled Studii de ştiinţa limbii [“Studies in Language Sciences”], emphasizing some very modern ideas of the Romanian scholar (such as the ones about “noematology”). In 2016 he published, as a translator and editor, the book Orientări în semantica structurală [orig. version: E. Coseriu, H. Geckeler, Trends in Structural Semantics, 1981]. The same purpose, that of restoring the great thinkers’ conceptions, was aimed at when he translated (from English) some philosophical texts signed by John Dewey, R.G. Collingwood et alii. In 2021 (in collaboration with Professor Klaas Willems from University of Ghent, Belgium), Cristinel Munteanu edited a fundamental book, Eugenio Coseriu. Past, Present and Future, published at the famous publishing house De Gruyter (Berlin/Boston).

Some evidence of his scientific/academic recognition


  • Diploma de Recunoștință a Academiei de Științe a Moldovei [‘The Gratitude Diploma of the Moldavian Academy of Sciences’] (awarded on January 18th, 2022);


  • Member (starting with 2008) of the editorial board of the prestigious cultural and scientific journal „Limba română” (from Chișinău, The Republic of Moldova);


  • Member (starting with 2020) of the editorial board of the scientific journal „Fonetică și Dialectologie” (edited by the “Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy);


  • Member (starting with 2023) of the scientific board of „Energeia. Online Journal for Linguistics, Language Philosophy and History of Linguistics” (edited by the University of Zürich).



Professor Nuţă Alina Cristina, PhD, Dr. habil.



Alina Cristina NUȚǍ, PhD




Department of Finance and Business Administration  

Danubius University from Galaţi

Galaţi Bvd. 3, 800654


Head of Open, Online & Distance Learning Department

Danubius University from Galaţi

Galaţi Bvd. 3, 800654


Email: alinanuta@univ-danubius.ro alicrisnuta@gmail.com 

Phone: +40 729 852 366

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3248-644X


Alina Cristina Nuţă is Full Professor Dr. Habil. in Finance (from 2022) at Danubius University from Galati, Romania, with over 18 years of teaching and research experience. She has a double bachelor's degree in Finance & Insurance (2004) and in Public Administration (2004) and a master's degree in Financial and Banking Management (2005) from "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi.

She attended the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, defending the thesis entitled "Economic and social implication of fiscal and budgetary policy" in 2011.

During 2005-2009, she had teaching activities at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi and won research funding from the National University Research Council - Ministry of Education to carry out a project in the field of her doctoral thesis, which was completed in 2009.

In 2014, she won, through a national competition, a research grant for postdoctoral studies with the topic "Current challenges of aging population in Romania and implications on fiscal policy" based on a contract with "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University from Iași and Bucharest University of Economic Studies, the activities of this grant being completed in 2015. In 2015 she had a two-month postdoctoral research visit at Macerata University, Italy, within the Department of Law and Political Economy.

Starting with 2014, she is coordinating the Open, Online, and Distance Learning Department at Danubius University, Galati.


She serves as a Quality Assurance expert in higher education in finance field since 2016 and as a project evaluator for The Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) from 2023.

In February 2022, she defended her habilitation thesis at the University of Craiova, Romania, titled "Scientific contributions regarding fiscal and budgetary stimulus for promoting sustainable and equitable economic growth", receiving the Habilitation Order from the Ministry of Education no 3994/8.06.2022

Her scientific research is carried out in the following fields: Finance, Public finance, Taxation, Public Spending, Fiscal and budgetary policies, Social policy, Green finance, Energy economics, Environmental economics, FinTech, Stock market, Online and Distance learning, and Public economics. She has published over 10 books and chapters, over 17 WoS articles, over 30 IDB articles and participated in international conferences.  In 2021 she won two awards from UEFISCDI for her scientific contribution.

During the 18 years of her academic career, she was involved in numerous editorial initiatives as editor or member of the international scientific committee for several scientific journals and international conferences, conducting over 500 peer-reviews.


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