
School of Law



Dear students, parents and collaborators,

Welcome to the Faculty of Law of the "Danubius" University, a faculty guided by the vision of becoming a leader with international recognition in the field of higher legal education.

Interim Dean,


We undertake the mission to prepare future generations of lawyers in a learning and training environment anchored to the reality and dynamics of the labor market, open to the challenges of new legal professions, an environment permanently connected to modern methods of education and new technologies.


THE TEACHER OF THE FACULTY OF LAW is both the practitioner, well acquainted with the techniques specific to the legal professions, and the theorist, the researcher dedicated to the field of Law. Most importantly, the teacher of this faculty is a good pedagogue and teacher, qualities that are quantified by certain indicators that prove their existence: the attractiveness of the course by the large number of students present; motivating / inspiring students to get involved in various scientific activities that stimulate debate (round tables, symposia, conferences, simulated process competitions, etc.).

The teacher of the Faculty of Law is a complex personality, flexible and open to the different learning styles of his students, is prepared with a variety of teaching methods according to these styles and adapts to the profiles of his students.

In the teaching process specific to the Faculty of Law, we take into account the fact that OUR STUDENTS are different and will work in different fields that have as common denominator the legal training. From this perspective, the management of the Faculty of Law proposes a multimodal approach to the teaching process and to the interaction with the student. The classic style of transmitting knowledge can no longer ensure the attractiveness of the course or seminar or the acquisition of skills specific to the subjects of study.

The student's role in the teaching-learning process must be active; the student is motivated to get involved in the practical activities specific to each subject, in the research activities as well as in the extracurricular activities.

Our student, regardless of the form of education he attends, is part of the digital generation, the Faculty of Law having the role of reforming the entire economy of the teaching-learning act; new technologies become the main working tools in classes and seminars. Video projections, online courses, online communication, online workgroups, virtual applications, etc. replace or complete most classical teaching-learning methods.

A major benefit that the students of this Faculty enjoy is the access to the practical experience of the teachers, most of the teachers being practitioners with long experience in the legal field: judges, lawyers, notaries, executors, police officers, senior civil servants, etc. Thus, students are always one step ahead of the theory that they learn quickly through the power of the most current case study turned on all sides, students being stimulated to play on the stage of simulated processes all the roles in a process: injured party, civilly liable party, defendant, plaintiff, lawyer, clerk, judge, etc.

Internship in courts, law firms, notaries, mediation ofiicesand in public institutions

The numerous partnerships concluded by the Faculty of Law and law firms, notaries, mediation offices and public institutions, offer students the opportunity to do internships in various fields specific to the legal profession, discovering early the right career.

Debates with professionals

Periodically, the students of the Faculty of Law are involved in face-to-face debates with specialists in the legal field. On these occasions, students have the opportunity to learn about new perspective professions in the legal field, born from the dynamics of social relations, professions to which it is worth pursuing, being insufficiently covered by specialists.

Beyond the physical space of the lecture and seminar rooms, students must LIVE THE STUDENT LIFE, to feel that they are part of our academic community. It is important to encourage them to get involved in all extracurricular activities because, thus, they find the meaning of the student, strengthen their relationships with other colleagues from other faculties and develop their organizational skills, ability to make decisions, respect for diversity, competitive spirit, initiative, problem-solving ability and teamwork. All these, to a certain extent, detached from the context of the study subjects, represent transversal competences that are valid for the success in the legal professions.

At the same time, the students of the Faculty of Law must develop, for the future professions specific to the Law, the critical spirit, the analysis, the comparison, the capacity to express themselves freely, to argue and to assume their own opinions on a certain aspect that isanalyzed. All these skills can be acquired and developed by encouraging students to get involved in scientific research activities, and teachers must play an inspiring role in this regard.

The presence and expertise of OUR GRADUATES in the life of the Faculty of Law are particularly important aspects which are considered by the managerial strategy of this faculty. Our graduates are the mirror of the professionalism of the teachers of this Faculty, they are the message of our credibility transmitted to the whole community.

The role of the Faculty of Law should not be limited to teaching and research activities. We consider it particularly important to establish partnerships with the BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT, thus facilitating our students' access to business experience and the opportunity to develop and put into practice any business ideas that are also related to specialized training in the legal field.



In 2005 the Faculty of Law published the journal Acta Universitatis DanubiusJuridica, addressing both teachers and practitioners. The general theme of the journal refers to the field of legal sciences. Based on a complex and modern approach, in the pages of the journal there are studies and articles in the mentioned field on different types of analysis: public law, private law, European law. The Journal Acta Universitatis DanubiusJuridica is included in several international databases and catalogs: DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), HeinOnline, GenamicsJournalSeek, CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library), Intute, Topinform.org, EBSCO, INDEX COPERNICUS, Magistri et Scholaresetc.

The international cooperation relations of the "DANUBIUS" University of Galaţi have known in recent years a favorable evolution, by establishing bilateral collaboration agreements with prestigious universities in Europe and America, materialized in exchanges of students and teachers, the carrying out of joint projects research, organization of international conferences and symposia.

Following the periodic evaluation carried out by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, the Faculty of Law within the “Danubius” University of Galaţi obtained the grade “TRUSTWORTHY” in 2014.

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