


Dr.  Luminita Maria Filip

Director Research Center on Soculy Developing Socio-economic dynamics (CC-DISEDD)

Research Center on Soculy Developing Socio-economic dynamics (CC-DISEDD)

In order to explore the concepts, strategies, indicators of sustainable development, social responsibility, to develop education in this field and to intensify the fundamental and applicative research efforts, the technological transfer in different ways, the realization of academic laboratories in collaboration with various institutions , research centers of some institutes and universities, I coordinate from December 2021, the activity of the Center for Research on Socio-economic dynamics in sustainable development, within the Danubius International University of Galati.

My scientific concerns can be defined by complexity, interdisciplinarity and density in conceptual and methodological challenges, in the scope of the following fields of interest and research: Pauperity and sustainable development; contemporary problems of the world economy; the conjunctural situation of the economy in the context of globalization; circular economy; Regional competitiveness-regional-regional polychitis; the governance and priorities of foreign policy; Evolution and tendencies of financial flows in the European Union area. Part of the fundamental or applicative theoretical research of the undersigned have materialized by participating with works in international conferences in Romania, Finland, Croatia, China, Turkey, Bulgaria, in developing some studies, publishing articles in specialized magazines ISI and BDI or in the volumes of national or international scientific manifestations. The main scientific contributions can be supported by several works of maximum relevance: "Eradication of poverty - global problem of humanity" - monograph, Influence of social and cultural expenses on the population’s pauperization process” ; “How Much do Market Researches Count? Assessments Regarding the Life Quality and the Pauperism among the Employed Workforce”;“Governance or Governing – the Missing Link?” ; „Food safety – an ambitious goal, but distant”; „Exploitation the global forces and pauper world”; “Des aspects concernant l’évolution  et  les tendances IED dans les pays UE et ECE”; Priorities of the external Romanian policy at regional level. Evolutions and trends.”; “Europe 2020, Strategy vs Global. Environment Protection’s Challenge”; The Effects of the Public Administration Involvement on Social Policy Implementation Central Banking: Between Policy Monetary and Global Crisis”; Quo vadis - an Unusual Economy Faces New Challenges in the Current Global Crisis? „Integrated complex for urban waste recycling” “Using financial management to adopt long-term funding – Financial management analysis”;

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