
Distance Learning Department


Distance Learning (DL) andPart-time Learning (PTL) are institutionalized forms of education that include elements of flexibility that make them more accessible to students, compared to the traditional system, based on direct communication between teacher and student.

Within the “Danubius” University of Galaţi, the DL and PTL programs are coordinated by the Distance Learning and Part-time Learning Departament (DLPTLD), which is a component part of the institution, with its own administrative structures.

By its nature, Distance Learning is a flexible form of education, giving students the opportunity to choose where and when to train, involving the use of a wide range of educational technologies: printed study materials, interactive audio and video techniques, multimedia, tele-courses, computer-mediated learning technologies or computer networks (services offered on account of the tuition fee)

Part-time Learning is characterized by study programs whose dominant components are: seminar activities, regular meetings with students / trainees for the development of compulsory practical activities provided in the curricula, consisting of laboratories, practical work, projects, specialized practice and other activities, as well as the use of means of education specific to distance learning.

The curricula of the DL-PTLstudy programs are developed in accordance with the mission and objectives of the specializations, so as to ensure a training equivalent to that of the form of full-time learning, and the share of fundamental and specialized subjects is assessed in the European System of Transferable Credits (ECTS).

In order to maintain the objectives of the DL-PTL programs at the level of ARACIS standards, the DL-PTL Department implements a Quality Assurance System that includes a Quality Management Program deriving from the policy and general objectives of the institution in the field of quality, having as aim to ensure the quality of learning and teaching activities, in accordance with the requirements of distance and part-time learning.

DLPTLD is organized and operates according to its own regulations approved by the University Senate. DIDFR collaborates with the university faculties to carry out DL-PTL programs through the deans and program coordinators who are part of the department's board of directors.


The Distance Learning and Part-Time Learning Department at the "Danubius" University of Galati has, among others, the following objectives:

  • ensuring the quality of the didactic act;
  • ensuring specific organizational and endowment conditions;
  • carrying out promotional activities;
  • monitoring the compliance with the legislation in force;
  • coordinating the training of people interested in technology specific to distance and part-time learning;
  • supporting the establishment of information centres;
  • supporting the activity of elaboration of didactic materials in DL / PTL technologies;
  • production and capitalization of classical or multimedia educational materials;


For the form of Distance Learning (DL) or Part-time Learning (PTL), the tuition fee includes:

  • study textbook in electronic format
  • access and use of control / self-assessment test sets
  • access to the virtual library and the physical library of the university
  • access to communication systems between students and with tutors
  • access to university laboratories (computer science, foreign language and multimedia, forensics, legal clinic)
  • direct teaching activities (tutorial and application activities, exams)
  • general counseling and professional guidance (except for tests performed with software or specialized personnel - psychopedagogy, communication, culture and organizational communication)
  • guidance on year projects and dissertation project
  • guidance for the elaboration of scientific papers
  • participation and support in student scientific research activities
  • preparation for participation in specialized national and international student competitions
  • information on news in the fields of study and education (related to the institution, at national and European level - EuroInfoGhidCentre)
  • the possibility to participate in Erasmus study or internship mobility funded by the European Erasmus+ program
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