
School of Communications and International Relations

Bachelor Studies

Communication and Public Relations

Field of study:

Communication Science

Form of education: FTL & DL

Length of studies:

6 semesters (3 years)

Credits: 180

International Relations and European Studies

Field of study:

International Relations and European Studies

Form of education:


Length of studies:

6 semesters (3 years)

Credits: 180

Digital Media

Field of study:

Communication Science

Form of education:


Length of studies:

6 semesters (3 years)

Credits: 180


FTL - Full time learning implies participation in course and seminar activities.

PTL - Part time learning in which case you participate only in the mandatory application activities; the teaching hours being replaced with those of individual study.

DL - Distance learning is characterized by regular tutorial meetings. The entire communication between student and teacher is achieved on the Sakai Platform, "Danubius" University being one of the few higher education institutions that exploits with maximum efficiency and responsibility this electronic education platform.

Communication and Public Relations

Through this program, Danubius University undertakes its mission to train specialists, researchers and leaders in the field of communication, from the East and South-East of the country, getting involved in the debates and projects of society, in shaping a new development framework in the European context.

Some of the disciplines studied in this program are: Crisis Communication, International Public Relations, Sectoral Public Relations, Writing Public Relations Materials, Applied Semiotics, Communication Law, Philosophy of Culture, Communication and Public Relations in Political Organizations.

In order to respond to these major components of the new field, the curriculum we offer to our students, through teachers particularly competent in the field, is in consensus with everything that is happening today nationally and internationally, which makes such a graduation diploma to be recognized, through transferable credits, anywhere.

The curricula included specialized internships in the second year of study, 4 weeks, totaling 120 hours, at the end of the second semester. The practice is performed in public and private companies, institutions, etc. according to the concluded agreements.

The Library of the University is equipped with lecture halls and its own book collection according to the subjects provided in the curricula, on university study cycles, the needed resources for carrying out the activity being provided in the income and expenditure budgets. Furthermore, within the library, students receive free online access for all the national and international databases and specialized journals from the country and abroad.

Possible Career Trajectories

Those who complete this bachelor's program can pursue professions such as: public relations specialist, mediator, spokesperson, brand manager, protocol organizer, fair and exhibition organizer, trainer, training organizer / consultant, professional skills evaluator, communication consultant politics, online public relations specialist, press communication specialist.

The professional competencies that students can acquire after obtaining the bachelor's degree are:

  • Identification and use of language, methodologies and specialized knowledge in the field of communication sciences;
  • Use of new information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • Identify and use communication strategies, methods and techniques in the public relations process;
  • Creating and promoting a public relations product;
  • Specialized assistance in crisis communication management and / or in mediating communication conflicts.

The transversal competencies that students can acquire after obtaining the bachelor's degree are:

  • Solving in a realistic way - with both theoretical and practical arguments - some usual professional situations, in order to solve them efficiently and deontologically;
  • Applying efficient work techniques in the multidisciplinary team with the accomplishment of certain tasks on hierarchical levels.


This programme aims at providing students the proper environment for the development of high-level capabilities for access in and mobility within international study programmes, for acquiring excellent communication skills in at least two foreign international languages, an adequate knowledge of the international business environment as well as of EU institutions and policies, professional compatibility for positions in institutions administering European funding programmes, vocational skills for employment in a wide range of activities starting from domestic private businesses engaged in foreign trade, up to multinational firms and international institutions.

The objectives aimed at by this M.A. study programme can be thus summarized:

  • high quality education in the field of economic analysis of international relations;
  • competitive level of professional knowledge, internationally compatible
  • excellence of education in the field of international foreign languages
  • developing the ability to practically implement the gained theoretical knowledge;
  • stimulating international mobility of students and building their capacity to adapt to the constant changes in the labor market.

The covered subjects: Current trends in international relations, International economic relations, International public relations, World economics, Global transformations, Business negotiation strategies, Media economic dimensions, Business ethics in international relations.

Within the curricula, specialized internships have been included during the Ist academic years for 3 weeks, totaling 90 hours, at the end of the second semester. The internship takes place in public and private commercial companies, institutions, etc. in accord with the agreements concluded between them and the university.

The faculty has its own specialized laboratories (I.T. labs, multimedia) with proper equipment for all subjects that have scheduled such activities, with license for all necessary software, which enables the carrying out of the subjects in the curriculum under optimal conditions.

The Library of the University respectively that of the faculty is equipped with lecture halls and its own book collection according to the subjects provided in the curricula, on university study cycles, the needed resources for carrying out the activity being provided in the income and expenditure budgets. Furthermore, within the library, students receive free online access for all the national and international databases.

Possible career paths

The graduates of this programme can unfold their careers in several institutions and organizations such as:

  • companies and international trade institutions;
  • companies carrying out import-export transactions;
  • professional associations with international cooperation programmes;
  • representative offices and branches of foreign companies;
  • bank international relations departments;
  • insurance companies and international financial institutions;
  • European Union organizations and institutions;
  • world economics and international markets institutions and research centers;
  • agencies specializing in research and services of advertising in international markets;
  • government agencies of international finance management;
  • organization and implementation of international auctions and transactions on the stock exchange
  • transport and international shipments companies.

Digital Media

Through this new specialization, the Faculty of Communication and International Relations prepares graduates in step with technology. The teachers are dedicated, passionate about new technologies and their impact on communication. Graduates of the Digital Media specialization will be able to plan, develop, implement and evaluate digital communication strategies for companies and organizations. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn are just some of the elements that define the DNA of a graduate of the new specialization.

Core (general) and subject disciplines: Introduction to Communication Sciences, Introduction to the Mass Media System, Introduction to Public Relations, The Art of Argumentation and Public Debate, Writing Techniques, Critical Thinking, History of Communication, Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Introduction in advertising, Multimedia, Professional ethics.

Specialized practice. During semesters 3-6, students have the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge and interact with the professional environment, through internships, internships, summer schools, workshops, organizing events, carrying out projects in teams multidisciplinary, documentation visits, etc.

The professional skills that students can acquire after obtaining the bachelor's degree are:

  • identification and use of language, methodologies and specialized knowledge in the field of communication sciences;
  • the use of new information and communication technologies (NTIC);
  • identifying and using communication strategies, methods and techniques through digital media;
  • creating and promoting a product through digital media;
  • specialized assistance in managing communication through digital media;
  • communicating ethically and legally through digital media.

The transversal skills that students can acquire after obtaining the bachelor's degree are:

  • solving in a realistic way - with both theoretical and practical arguments - some usual professional situations, in order to solve them efficiently and ethically;
  • the application of efficient work techniques in multidisciplinary teams with the performance of certain tasks on hierarchical levels;
  • self-assessment of the need for professional training for the purpose of insertion and adaptation to the requirements of the labor market.

Possible career paths

Those who complete this degree program can pursue professions such as:

  • video designer
  • database administrator
  • specialist in public relations
  • specialist marketing referent
  • mediator
  • protocol and ceremonial specialist
  • consultant
  • spokesman
  • brand manager
  • protocol organizer
  • relationship organizer
  • organizer of fairs and exhibitions
  • exhibition presenter
  • social relations specialist
  • specialist in lobbying activity
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