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School of Behavioral and Applied Sciences



Beginning in the 10th century, an increasing number of teachers and students from all over Europe gave birth, in different cities, to study groups, at first spontaneously organized on the basis of nationality, but soon structured into teachers' corporations and by students called "universitates magistrorum et scholarium".

Today, in a dynamic but unpredictable world, specific to the 21st century, the community of students and teachers remains almost the only certainty of a prosperous, ethical and functional future. The Danubius University of Galati defines, in this way, its vision of the future in the medium and long term, participating directly, through the didactic and research process, in its construction. School of Behavioral and Applied Sciences is one of the basic components of this construction.
The Psychology undergraduate program presents academic objectives that are in line with what was said above: the training of specialists in the field of Psychology aims at the assimilation of theoretical notions and practical skills, behaviors and attitudes, in a coherent approach, reflected by the university curriculum, in accordance with the provisions of the National Framework of Higher Education Qualifications elaborated in 2011. Moreover, the professional and transversal skills acquired will facilitate the exercise of professional tasks according to the specific deontological principles in the exercise of the profession, the application of effective work techniques in multidisciplinary teams on various hierarchical levels, the self-assessment of the needs of continuous training in order to adapt professional skills to the dynamics of the social context.
At the end of the 3-year bachelor's degree cycle, graduates receive the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and the necessary skills to enter the professional supervision programs, in relation to the provisions of the law and the regulations of the Romanian College of Psychologists. The supervision, in order to obtain the certificate of free autonomous practice, is carried out through master's studies, postgraduate courses or professional training offered by institutions approved by the College of Psychologists of Romania.
The areas of competence acquired in the faculty allow practicing the profession of psychologist in the following sectors of activity: psychologist in the field of work, organizational, transport and service psychology, psychologist in the field of psychotherapy, clinical psychology and psychological counseling, psychologist in the field of education, psychologist in the field of national security.
"We have to measure the success of the social assistance program by the number of people who leave it, not by the number of those who become its beneficiaries". The quote, which has become a classic, belongs to Ronald Reagan who proved a significant appetite for a fundamental field in any society, especially in a rapidly changing and unpredictable society such as the society of the 21st century.
Contrary to popular perception, social work is the profession that provides support for individuals, groups and communities in a changing society and creates the social conditions conducive to the well-being of people and society. In fact, social assistance is the art in which the knowledge of the science of human relations and relational skills is used to mobilize the latent capacities existing in any individual, so that he is better adapted to the stress of everyday life. The Bachelor's degree program in Social Work was created based on these considerations, being considered one of the most necessary for the reference area in which the Danubius University of Galati is located - the South-East development region of Romania.
The Informatics degree program closely follows the vision and mission assumed by our university for the benefit of its students as well as for the benefit of the area mentioned above. If we also take into account the intense technological process of society as well as the accelerated dynamics of informatics, the initiative to open this study program completed the range of value-added specializations held at Danubius University. The Informatics program completes, at the same time, the international dimension of the institution and offers its students an occupational beach that exceeds the borders of the area as well as the national borders.

Univ. Assoc. Filip Stanciu, PhD

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