


The strategic principles of CC-DISEDD will be channeled in the following areas of action:


I. Scientific field:

I.1. Fundamental research by identifying the socio-economic problems at the national, regional, global level and the development of current research topics with interdisciplinary themes, based on the interest and competences of the researchers;

I.2. Applied research by organizing lectures, debates, round tables, academic laboratories, workshops.

I.3. Improving and stimulating the activity of disseminating the results of the research by participating in national and international scientific events (EIRP) and increasing the number of published articles, in EuroEconomic magazine or other scientific publications, as well as the movement of the Center for Interest to ISI magazines.


II. Research infrastructure field:

II.1. Making academic laboratories in collaboration with various institutions, research centers of some institutes or universities;

II.2. Orientation of the research activities towards their applicative side, in order to obtain financing of research topics from the private economic environment; II.3. Capitalizing on the opportunities to participate in grant competitions on research topics specific to the center.


III. The field of human resources

III.1. Attracting new members in the research center: teachers, researchers, doctoral students, with the purpose of developing the activity and on other research directions;

III.2. Development of collaborations with collectives of specialists from research institutes or research centers of other universities; active participation in groups of things for sustainable development;

III.3. Stimulation of the activity of interdisciplinary research and the working spirit in the team at the level of the research groups;

III.4. Integration and engagement of students, masters and doctoral students in various activities of CC Disedd;


IV. Field of research management

IV.1. Continuous analysis of the results obtained from the research carried out and comparison with the results presented in the specialized literature, with the purpose of orienting the research towards solving the problems imposed by the current and perspective requirements;

IV.2. Initiating scientific debates in a stimulating and constructive way, for strengthening research groups; IV.3. Promoting, stimulating and developing collaboration relations between the research center, the business environment and the public authorities; IV.4 The application on different financing programs with projects that meet the requirements regarding sustainable development.

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