The International Scientific Conference “European Integration. Realities and Perspectives ”- EIRP

The sessions of this year edition of the International Scientific Conference “European Integration. Realities and Perspectives ”- EIRP has been successfully completed. The organizers of the event thank the participants, partners and the Danubius academic community for this year's success.

You are welcome to join us at the 2022 edition!

In the meantime please continue to follow the news on the Danubius Conferences platform (http://www.conferences.univ-danubius.ro/) and Danubius Journals platform (https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/).

2021 World LUMEN Congress

“Danubius” University of Galați is co-organizing partner of the 2021 World LUMEN Congress (WLC2021) which will be held between May 26 and May 30, in Iași, Romania.

World LUMEN Congress will explore new approaches in the social and in the humanistic fields through its anniversary theme “Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty”, by bringing together international academics, practitioners and experts.

This edition of World LUMEN Congress continues the first edition that was held in 2016, at the 15th LUMEN Anniversary. Therefore, World LUMEN Congress WLC2021 will continue to focus on the interferences between the new theoretical approaches and the social and educational practice, taking into account the need for an ethical resizing of social action.

The event will take place online.

We invite the Danubian community as well as our partners to follow the link of the congress for more details on how to attend this international scientific event: https://lumenconference.com/wlc2021/organizers/.

The First Winner of the “BE DANUBIUS AMBASSADOR!” Sweepstake Was Selected

The first winner of the “BE DANUBIUS AMBASSADOR!” SWEEPSTAKE is Daria Iftode, first year student at CIRF, Psychology Department, who told us that she decided to sign up “with the purpose of increasing her interaction with the Danubian team. I am proud to be a student at Danubiu University especially due to the faculty whose professionalism and dedication amaze us at every given lecture or seminar. Even if the times we live in don’t allow us to have a proper student life, I made lots of friends through the Students’ League and I was given the opportunity to meet colleagues from other departments, both freshmen and seniors. I invite you to enroll at Danubius University for a modern, top-quality education but also for a student life that can be lived in the fast lane even during the pandemics.

The next winner will be drawn on April 29!

We invite you to sign up at the following link: https://www.univ-danubius.ro/tombola

“World Book and Copyright Day” at “Danubius” University

Friday, April 23, “Danubius” University marks, for the second year in a row, “World Book and Copyright Day” through a homonym event hosted by the institution’s Library.

The discussions are due to start at 10 AM, with the following guests: Professor Cristinel Munteanu, Ph.D., Associate Professor Gheorghe Lateș, Ph.D and Associate Professor Alina Cheșcă, Ph.D.. Moderator of the event – Mirela Tarbă, Director of the “Danubius” University Library.

“Every year, this event takes place on April 23, on St. George’s day. We are at the second edition and we try to offer the Library another status than the one of a book depository. The debate will be centered on what the reader means and how they relate to different types of texts which they understand as they are able to” said Associate Professor Lateș.

On this occasion, “Danubius” University Book Club will be launched as a project initiated by Associate Professor Gheorghe Lateș.

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