Online Programming Contest

Online Programming Contest

“Suport Regiunea Centru” Association, Jurnalul de mâine and LearnEx Center, in partnership with “Danubius” University of Galați, organize “Digital Nerds Contest”.  

The competition aims at helping children, pupils and students apply their knowledge regarding the IT field, being developed for all age groups as it follows:

Juniors in Programming

Meant for primary school children; it implies the creation of an application/game in any platform by using blocks programming and meeting the given deadline. Examples of platforms: AppInventor, Scratch, Microbit, CodeMonkey

Children in STEM

Meant for secondary school children, it implies the creation of an application/game in any platform that allows you to write a code. (Any platform can be chosen as long as you don’t use blocks programming). Examples of platforms: Roblox Lua, Swift Playgrounds

Youngsters in IT

This section is divided into two subsections – for college kids and for students, whether you like applications (C, C++, C#, Java), games (Unity) or embedded systems (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), the choice is yours. You can team up in groups of three maximum. Your only enemy is time – three days. A great challenge awaits!

The schedule of the Contest is the following:

February 8 – April 5 2021 – Enrollment

April 5 2021 – Launch of theme for categories I and II

April 5 – April 15 2021 – Conferences on IT topics

April 16 2021 – Launch of theme for the IIIrd category (Hackathon)

April 18, 23:59 2021 – Deadline for projects submissions


During the contest, a series of conferences on various IT topics will be organized, having as guests faculty and IT specialists. Among the tackled topics there will be: Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Mechatronics, Mechanization and automation solutions, Data management, Cybernetic security, Technology in agriculture – Precision agriculture, The jobs of the future and IT, Hardware and its bearer, Literacy through the Internet, Cyber-bullying, E-health.


The conferences will take place online, being available on Zoom.

Each participant will have 15-20 minutes to present their project and 10-15 minutes more to talk to the moderator.

Those who want to participate in the conferences are warmly asked to submit the following information: Last name and First name, Position, Topic or Project, Short description of the topic or of the project.

For more details and for enrollment, please visit: http://digitalnerdscontest.ro.

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