The Rector and CEO, Dr. Steve O Michael, presented the State of the University at the DIU Anniversary Day

The Rector and CEO, Dr. Steve O Michael, presented the State of the University at the DIU Anniversary Day

During the 33rd anniversary ceremony of Danubius International University, on February 15, the Rector and CEO, Dr. Steve O Michael presented the State of the University to the Danubian community.

With a name changed in 2023, Danubius International University has embraced the vision of an international university of excellence with an agenda to further humanity and contribution toward the transformation of Europe and the whole world.

Subsequently, the mission of Danubius International University is to become a leader in providing educational activities and an academic environment aimed at student success, community transformation through the unrelenting search for enduring truth, lifelong personal growth and development, and the expanding meaningful services to all spheres of society.

In the academic year 2023-2024, Danubius International University developed a new Strategic Plan for the period of 2023-2030. The Plan provides a new vision statement, mission statement and a set of values aimed at transforming the institutional culture and direction toward a strategic internationalization. To this effect, the University’s name changed from Danubius University to Danubius International University.

The new values aptly dubbed as Danubius DELITE are defined below:

DIVERSITY – Commitment to global diversity and inclusive institution where human differences are cherished, and diverse talents are empowered to enhance humanity.

EXCELLENCE – Commitment to relentless critiquing of human civilization for the purpose of personal, professional, and societal transformation.

LEADERSHIP – Commitment to service that makes a difference in the life of individuals, organization, and local and global communities.

INNOVATION – Commitment to new ideas and approaches that improve the planet, human cohabitation, and life in general.

TRUTH – Commitment to transparent, tested, and enduring knowledge worthy of transmission from generation to generation.

ETHICS—Commitment to proven practices that promote personal and organizational effectiveness, wellbeing, continuing success.

Guided by these values and vision, Danubius International University is building on its legacy of about 30 years to continue to invest in its community and the region using the latest artificial intelligence technology to support educational activities. The University continues to participate in and lead efforts to foster the integration of Galati and Braila knowing too well that such integration is essential for a greater dynamic regional economy.

The indicators of excellence in the teaching-learning-research process, as mentioned in the Strategic Plan, continue to guide the University educational activities. The pursuit of excellence individually and collectively and by departments and units is expected to continue to propel the institution into greatness.

The permanent collaboration of the faculties with the representatives of the business environment in the design and establishment of the objectives of the study programs, as well Danubius International University - State of the University Report - 2023-2024 Academic Year as the establishment in collaboration with them of the transversal skills that the Danube graduates must accumulate has led to the obtaining of valuable professional experiences for students and graduates, the beneficiaries practice partnerships that the university encourages every year.

The growing involvement of Danubius International University representatives; students, trainees, graduates and employees in the events and activities initiated by the business environment is an excellent barometer of the spirit and entrepreneurial university culture, which Danubius International University implements.


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