Dear students of “Danubius” University,  are you up for a challenge?

We know you are all special, intelligent youngsters, with strong personalities. We hereby offer you a new setting for you to express, affirm and confirm your discursive abilities. A setting in which your opinions are more valuable than your teachers’. We have the pleasure to announce the opening of “Danubius” Debate Club, the Danubian club for academic debates, where teams will fight in the World of ideas and argumentation on important topics nowadays, under the following tagline: “Cogito, ergo sum”.

This initiative is consistent with the mission and the values promoted by the Danubian community, both institutionally and by the four faculties: innovation, excellence, respect, open, truth, entrepreneurial, efficient communication, competiveness. At the same time, the initiative takes into consideration the fact that your majors include lectures like “The art of debate and argumentation”, “Critical thinking”, “Ethics“, “The spokesperson’s institution” or “The international protection of human rights”. 

Why would you take part in an academic debate?

  • It develops your communication abilities;
  • It helps you gather information and adds up to your trivia;
  • It stimulates critical thinking;
  • Increases your chances at getting a better job;
  • The adrenalin of reasoned and time-measured speech during matches helps you overcome the emotional barriers inherent to public speaking, speaking up one’s mind and to the anxiety of being rejected because of having different opinions than others etc..
  • Enhances your team spirit and your creativity.


The first match within “Danubius” Debate Club will take place online, on the Danubius platform, Tuesday 16 of March, at 2 PM. For starters, two teams of students from the Faculty of Communication and International Relations will get into debate.

Organization and deployment:

There will be four-student teams.

  • They will sign up to argue for or against a topic (motion) and will subsequently team up.
  • One team will be confirmatory (for) and the other one – negative (against).
  • There will be two captains – conclusive members (they will also have the final word).
  • The members of the teams will talk in turns, consecutively. First, the opponents’ claim will be negated and then the personal claim will be shared.
  • The motions (debate topics) will be announced at least two weeks before every match.
  • The debates will be juried by referees (University faculty).
  • They will give the following points: 1 or 0,5 points for a claim and 1 or 0,5 points for negating the opponent’s claim.
  • To gain the points, each debater will have to abide by the criteria of clarity, pertinence, time and to avoid personal attack – the confrontation will be centered on claims.
  • Matches will take one hour each.
  • Talking time will be of maximum 3 minutes/ person; conclusive speech – maximum 5 minutes.
  • Time for thought – maximum 3 minutes
  • Both teams will be rewarded!


For the first debate within “Danubius” Debate Club we put forward the following motion (topic): “Anti-Covid 19 Vaccination”.


Senior Lecturer Petra Alina Marinescu, Ph.D., project initiator and referee of the first match awaits for your registration to argue for or against the given topic, until Monday 8 of March, at the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at the following telephone number: 0740 303 810.

Subsequently, the teams will be announced in order for the students to get into contact and prepare the debate strategy.

All of you who want to virtually witness are welcome. We encourage the supporters of the two teams to sign up. Pay attention to the fact that places are limited!

Best of luck in tackling the claims!

Online Programming Contest

“Suport Regiunea Centru” Association, Jurnalul de mâine and LearnEx Center, in partnership with “Danubius” University of Galați, organize “Digital Nerds Contest”.  

The competition aims at helping children, pupils and students apply their knowledge regarding the IT field, being developed for all age groups as it follows:

Juniors in Programming

Meant for primary school children; it implies the creation of an application/game in any platform by using blocks programming and meeting the given deadline. Examples of platforms: AppInventor, Scratch, Microbit, CodeMonkey

Children in STEM

Meant for secondary school children, it implies the creation of an application/game in any platform that allows you to write a code. (Any platform can be chosen as long as you don’t use blocks programming). Examples of platforms: Roblox Lua, Swift Playgrounds

Youngsters in IT

This section is divided into two subsections – for college kids and for students, whether you like applications (C, C++, C#, Java), games (Unity) or embedded systems (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), the choice is yours. You can team up in groups of three maximum. Your only enemy is time – three days. A great challenge awaits!

The schedule of the Contest is the following:

February 8 – April 5 2021 – Enrollment

April 5 2021 – Launch of theme for categories I and II

April 5 – April 15 2021 – Conferences on IT topics

April 16 2021 – Launch of theme for the IIIrd category (Hackathon)

April 18, 23:59 2021 – Deadline for projects submissions


During the contest, a series of conferences on various IT topics will be organized, having as guests faculty and IT specialists. Among the tackled topics there will be: Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Mechatronics, Mechanization and automation solutions, Data management, Cybernetic security, Technology in agriculture – Precision agriculture, The jobs of the future and IT, Hardware and its bearer, Literacy through the Internet, Cyber-bullying, E-health.


The conferences will take place online, being available on Zoom.

Each participant will have 15-20 minutes to present their project and 10-15 minutes more to talk to the moderator.

Those who want to participate in the conferences are warmly asked to submit the following information: Last name and First name, Position, Topic or Project, Short description of the topic or of the project.

For more details and for enrollment, please visit: http://digitalnerdscontest.ro.

“Danubius” Students’ League and “Danubius” Sports Club Invite You to the “Art of Love” Festival

Between February 14 and February 24, “Danubius” Students’ League and “Danubius” Sports Club, in partnership with the Counseling and Career Orientation Center, with the support of Shopping City Galați, organize the “Art of Love” festival.

The event is dedicated to all kinds of people-to-people connections, whether it’s couple relationships, self-relationships or the relationship with God.

Through workshops, TV shows, live streaming and through different types of online and offline activities, the participants will get in touch with valuable insights for their personal growth. Topics as friendship as love display, what is unconditional love or how to love yourself will be tackled.

The opening of “Art of Love” festival will take place in Shopping City Galați, on February 14, starting at 4 PM, when the students from “Danubius” Students’ League and the sportsmen from “Danubius” Sports Club will offer hand-made cards and roses to all the ladies in the Mall.

During the festival, Simona Giușcă, psychotherapist, will develop a series of workshops on the following topics: “I love you!... Did you get me?” and “The Art of Re-bonding in a Couple”

Daily, there will be thematic questioning on the Instagram page of the event. Among the asked questions there will be the following: “What is love?”, “Can love heal emotional traumas?”, “What does it mean to be an altruistic?”.

Three TV shows will be also broadcasted – “The Male in Her, the Female in Him” - guest: Simona Giușcă, psychotherapist, “The Oriental Poetical Eros” – guest: Associate Professor Alina Beatrice Cheșcă and “Dragobete, origins and sense” – guest: Associate Professor Gheorghe Lateș.

All the activities will be streamed live on the Facebook and Instagram pages of the event: https://www.facebook.com/art.of.love.festival.


The National Conference, with International Participation, “Theoretical Landmarks and Best Practice in Psychology – The 1st Edition” - the First Psychology Conference organized in Galați

Between April 7 and April 11 2021 will take place the national conference, with international participation, “Theoretical Landmarks and Best Practice in Psychology – TLBPP 2021”, organized by the Institute for Research in the Autism Spectrum Disorder and “Prosalvita”, program of prevention and psychological and social addiction assistance, in partnership with “Danubius” University of Galați.     


This is the first Psychology conference organized in Galați, an event projected both for the academic community and for practitioners, aimed at gathering together speakers who will approach underpinnings and foundations in the realm of psychology, as well as at accessing state of the art studies and new tendencies and insights in the field.      

The conference aims at reuniting specialists in the branches of psychology and psychotherapy, from our country and from abroad, to set the basis of a professional network to promote best practices and scientific rigor in an interdisciplinary manner in Psychology. 


One of the organizers of the event, Florian Miu, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Communications and International Relations, Psychology branch, at “Danubius” University, said that “Us, as psychotherapists, need to create an identity and we want for this conference, currently at its first edition, to become a tradition. We invite as many people as possible, both students and psychologists, to benefit from what our peers will have to say”. Asked what TLBPP 2021 would bring as a novelty and why the organizers chose “Danubius” University as venue, Florian Miu said that the conference would offer new approaches facilitating awareness and congruency between psychologists: “We chose Danubius given the Psychology branch here from where future professionals depart”.   


The organizers of the conference also said that they are delighted with the academic support and involvement of “Danubius” University, “an important educational player, promoter of many projects with great social impact and community value intake. Danubius professionals’ openness, involvement and care for the growth of the local community impressed us”. 


For more details, please contact Mr. Florian Miu -0768336000 or Ms. Alina Galatanu – 0745523227.


Alina Petra Marinescu,

Editor MEDIA Department

Danubius University


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