The LIFE TACKLE programme which the Romanian Football Federation was involved with european partners ended with the debate football: A strategic pass for a sustainable environment

How can we make football events more environmentally friendly? The LIFE TACKLE - Teaming up for a Conscious Kick for the Legacy of Environment program which the Romanian Football Federation was involved with european partners ended with the debate Football: A strategic step for a sustainable environment, held on Tuesday, February 8th.

"Sport is a field deeply affected by climate change and it is good that you are aware that we have an environmental problem. 30 years is a long time for the planet, many negative things can happen from an environmental perspective and we must act. ”, said Conf. Univ. Dr. Florian Nuță.

The discussion had as guests Nicolae Ștefănuță, member of the Environment Committee of the European Parliament, Thomas Moldovan, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Sports, Lucian Mircescu, former head of the delegation on sports, during the Romanian Presidency of the EU, and Florian Nuță, vice-rector at Danubius University in Galați and was moderated by Florin Șari, manager of social responsibility and good governance of FRF.

In addition to a presentation of the results obtained by FRF in the TACKLE Program, the discussions focused on the measures that can be taken in organizing football events to minimize the negative impact on the environment, but also the infrastructure changes needed in Romania when we are talking about sustainable football.

"Sustainability should be at every stage of human action. If we think about planning a sporting event, we have to think systemically: when does the spectator leave home, what route does he take, what impact does the route have from the point of view of sustainability, what does he consume at the event, etc. We have to care and find the necessary measures, economic activity is also with a big impact on the environment, we have to balance between producing responsibly and allocating money for the environment, everyone should understand the environment, he has no lobbyist ″, explains Conf. Univ. Dr. Florian Nuță.

The TACKLE project took place between 2018 and 2022 and collected examples of good practice in the field of environmental management, tested solutions for various stadiums in Europe, facilitated the exchange of experience between football federations and other relevant actors in order to improve the sustainability of the environment football events.


Source: https://www.frf.ro/recomandate/proiectul-tackle-incheiat-cu-o-dezbatere-despre-sustenabilitate-in-fotbal/


Mioara Lepădatu

PR Specialist

Economists who do a master's program on FinTech could have salaries like IT specialists

"It is known that those who master innovative technologies have among the highest salaries, because they can generate new business models, they will generate money for their companies and for themselves," said Lect. Univ. Dr. Călin Mihai Rangu, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

Starting from the academic year 2022-2023 the FinTech master program will be included in the educational offer of Danubius University.

The programme is aimed at economics graduates and technical specialists. The opportunities for those enrolling in this master's programme are linked to the partnerships the university has with associations such as The Romanian Employers' Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers (PRBAR) and the National Union of Insurance Intermediary and Consultancy Companies in Romania (UNSICAR). The need study was conducted based on a survey to investigate the education needs of the business environment and on discussions that took place also within the InsureTech Hub Romania, organized by ASF, where Danubius University is a partner.

The coordinator of this master, Conf. Univ. Dr. Florian Nuță, says: "The programme will include student access to the study materials, to the e-learning platform and the digital interaction system with the teacher or practice tutor, to scientific information and documentation resources and to a series of one-time event educational components."

The master program is accredited and recognized by ARACIS and will be included in the educational offer of Danubius University starting with the admission session in July 2022, with courses starting on October 1, 2022.

Full article link: https://www.zf.ro/banci-si-asigurari/calin-rangu-economistii-care-vor-face-un-program-de-master-pe-20494615


Mioara Lepădatu

PR Specialist

The Benone Pusca Distinguished Speaker Series brings onto the stage international leaders at Danubius University

Danubius University proudly announces the initiation of the Benone Pusca Distinguished Speaker series as part of the celebration and recognition events of the thirtieth anniversary of the institution.  The series is named after the visionary founder of the university, and we are honored to have Professor Adrian Curaj as the first presenter in this series. 

An internationally acclaimed scholar and academic leader, over the course of his career, Adrian Curaj has acted as the Romanian Prime Minister’s Adviser on Science, Technology, ICT and e-Governance; as the President of the National Authority for Scientific Research—Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport in Romania; and as the General Director of the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation.

Professor Curaj has been High Representative of the Romanian Prime Minister for ecosystem development based on science, innovation, and entrepreneurship associated with ELI-NP pan-European infrastructure and is a former minister of national education and scientific research.  He is also the Chair holder – UNESCO Chair on Science and Innovation Policies at the National University of Political Science and Public Administration, professor of Research Management and the Director of the Centre for Strategic Partnership and Quality Assurance in Higher Education at the POLITECHNICA University of Bucharest, and he serves as a board member of the Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation; of the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome, and of the Romanian-American Fulbright Commission. 

The title of the presentation by Professor Curaj will be The Importance of Research for HEI and the Romanian context in this matter” , and the  BPDS Series will bring before the public exemplary personalities from the academic world, the business environment, civic society, and the public policy arena who have demonstrated a level of accomplishment that has gained them international recognition in their field, to share their knowledge and insights about topics that are relevant to today’s world. 

This event will be organized in hybrid system, on February 23, starting at 10.00 A.M., in Aula Magna and also, it will also be broadcasted on Danubius University`a social media pages.  All of the stakeholders of our University are welcomed to participate, whether in person or online, including academic staff, students, business partners, social partners, and local public figures, as well as friends of the university and members of the general public.


Danubius University celebrates 30 years of excellence in university education and will organize, every month of this year, a special raffle for its students, masters and graduates!

The first draw - has already taken place today, January 28, and the big winner of the first edition is Sabina-Georgiana Rusescu.

Sabina-Georgiana Rusescu is a student of Communication and Public Relations, but also a member of the Danubius Students League and she also confessed to us the reason why she decided to join this raffle: “I saw that many colleagues were elected. interesting experience. On this occasion, I also wanted to try when I saw this opportunity. I told myself I had nothing to lose, whether I won or not."

The next draw will take place on February 28.

To participate in the “DANUBIUS, 30 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION” Raffle, you must register at this link https://www.univ-danubius.ro/raffle

The winners will be announced by phone and on the website www.univ-danubius.ro

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