
Danubius University May 12 – May 13, 2022

What contribution can peace education and peace learning make to the transformation of the emerging crises threatening existential and social survival?

Sustainable survival of our planet relies on Peace among the planents communities. An important aspect sustainable survival of this planet is the increasing emphasis on the peace education to impact students who can better adapt and contribute to the good governance, respect to human rights, freedom, trust, fair sharing of natural resources and adopt dynamic intercontinental culture. It is thus essential to explore how universities and colleges are promoting peace education and how these efforts impact the quality of students and faculty, research productivity, and the degree to which the education sector contributes to the societal transformation. In continuation of transnational academic deliberations and exchange of educational experiences on these issues, the 35th AUAP General Conference  will explore new initiatives to promote higher education on peace education and to enhance global collaborations on these issues.


Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Peter P. Laurel, President AUAP and President, Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas, Philippines

Prof. Dr. Seyed Mohammad Moghimi, President, University of Tehran, Iran and Chairman of AUAP Advisory Council

Ms. Monette Hamlin, Founder President Government Academe Industry Network Inc. (GAIN), The Philippines

Vice Chancellor Mohd Ekhwan Toriman, The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Norazah Nordin, representative of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



Mioara Lepadatu,

Specialist PR

National conference with international participation “Theoretical landmarks and good practices in psychology”

Between 1-5 June 2022, Prosalvita - Addiction Treatment Center, Addiction Prevention and Psychological and Social Assistance Program, and the Institute for Research on Autism Spectrum Disorder in collaboration with #Danubius University, invite you to the second edition of the National Conference with international participation "Theoretical landmarks and good practices in psychology" - RTPP 2022!

The organizers, Drd. Psih. Florian Miu, teacher at Danubius and Psih University. Alina Galatanu, President of the Institute for Autism Spectrum Research, set out to bring together specialists in the fields of psychology and psychotherapy, both from the country and abroad, to lay the foundations of a network of professionals who, under the auspices of interdisciplinarity, promote good practice and scientific rigor in various fields of psychology. The work of this scientific event will take place in a hybrid system, on the ZOOM platform, and each participant will receive the connection link until June 1.

The conference "Theoretical landmarks and good practices in psychology - 2022" is an event for the community of psychology professionals, to which teachers from pre-university education are invited to join! Details about this panel can be obtained at the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Full participation in the conference will bring 40 credits to each CPR member participant. The conference is undergoing CPR accreditation.

The participation fee is 350 lei and can be paid by bank transfer.

The cost is 350 lei for psychologists, 200 lei for teachers in pre-university education.

Those who will apply for the diploma with CPR credits will pay the fee of 350 lei even if they also hold the title of professor.

Last day of registration: May 20, 2022

Registration - https://docs.google.com/.../ 1FAIpQLSdRDl ... / viewform

The official opening of the event will take place on June 1, in the Great Hall of Danubius University (Bd. Galati, no. 3) starting at 10.00!

Details about the program and payment of the fee



Starting with April 2022, Danubius University of Galați and the Romanian Banking Institute (IBR) signed a partnership agreement. Thus, students and master students from the Faculties of Economics and Business Administration will be the first beneficiaries through access to high quality courses and European certifications based on preferential offers.


"The activity of our faculties is complementary to that of the Romanian Banking Institute. We have bachelor's and master's programs in the financial-banking field. IBR carries out professional training programs in the same field. So, through the signed partnership we cannot support each other to offer our offers complete packages of educational products, including international certifications. Our faculty will be able to promote new programs they are working on, for example the FINTECH Master, accredited by ARACIS, a unique one at national level, which will be launched in September 2022", said Lect. Univ. Dr. Călin-Mihai Rangu, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

The Romanian Banking Institute (IBR) is a leader in providing training programs in the financial-banking field, successfully covering areas of great interest for a successful career in the financial-banking services industry.

Founded in 1991, IBR's main objective is professional development, training and specialization of staff in the financial-banking sector, in accordance with the strategy established by its founding members, the National Bank of Romania (BNR) in cooperation with the Romanian Association of Banks (ARB).


"The benefits for the faculty are numerous, direct and indirect, academic and financial. In addition to expanding the portfolio of courses, we will ensure the involvement of our professors, with practical and pedagogical experience, targeting the position of faculties as a first choice faculty for those who want to become economists and work in the financial-banking field and broaden the IBR's base of expertise with advanced experience in this field. IBR has extensive experience as the leading provider of educational services in the banking field. Through this protocol and other protocols with other educational or institutional partners, we ensure the confidence that our activity is carried out on solid foundations, the faculty develops and reorients the needs and needs of the labor market, the Romanian economy, shares common values ​​with prestigious institutions nationwide ", confessed Lect. Univ. Dr. Călin-Mihai Rangu, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.


Over 100,000 financial services professionals, companies / corporations, government officials, students / masters have participated in training programs, open and in-house courses and conferences organized to IBR to date.

The IBR portfolio includes courses, programs and events that cover over 160 current topics, and each year about 20-30 new topics enter the IBR training offer. IBR trainers are associate experts, specialists with extensive experience and professional reputation.

IBR acts as a specialized financial-banking education platform, being established by BNR and ARB by Government Decision no. 693/1991 (as subsequently amended and updated).

Also, Lect. Univ. Dr. Călin-Mihai Rangu, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, also gave us information about opportunities for students, non-students and master students if they take this course: "The first opportunity is access to the European Banking Certificate with Triple E. The course and certification take 5 months of work, followed by a certificate recognized in any EU state.The topics covered are in the areas of: EU Financial and Monetary System; Customers, Products and Banking Services; "Ethics, control and internal audit. The course is aimed at both university students who want to enter the field of banking and the staff currently working in this field for training and career development."



Mioara Lepădatu

PR Specialist

17th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives - May 12, 2022 – May 14, 2022

Danubius University of Galati, Romania, together with its co-organizing partners, University of Camerino, ItalyUniversity of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", BulgariaAleksander Moisiu University of Durres, AlbaniaUniversity of Tirana, Albania

 Preliminary Abstract Submission: April 19th, 2022 

This conference will bring together a diverse range of participants from universities, the business sector, and public authorities. 

We hope you will be able to join us as a participant and to spread the word among your colleagues and other professional contacts.

The purpose of the Annual International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, research outcomes, business cases, etc.


 All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, EIRP Proceedings, under the ISSN reference 2067 – 9211, included in international databases (BDI).

 Details about the content of the conference, the facilitators, the financial conditions, and the deadlines for registration can be found on the 2022 EIRP International Conference website.


Preliminary Abstract Submission: 

April 19th, 2022 on the website of the conference
Notification of acceptance: April 25th, 2022
Final paper Submission for the proceedings: May 31, 2022,  on the Proceedings website EIRP Proceedings.
Deadline for registration and for paying the conference fee: April 30th, 2022
2022 EIRP International Conference: May 12-14th, 2022


Keynote speaker


One of our keynote speakers is 

Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz, Professor of Economics at the Beijing Institute of Technology, China and Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, UK. He received his PhD in Economics from the National College of Business Administration and Economics, Lahore, Pakistan. His-research focuses on the development, energy, environmental, and tourism economics. 

Short bio


The hybrid conference (in-person and virtual experiences) will be taking place virtually on ZOOM platform and in-person at the seat of "Danubius" University, during May 12th-14th, 2022.

The central theme of the EIRP series of events focuses on the EU integration. The participants, academics and researchers, meet yearly, during the second decade of May, in order to exchange information and to conceptually debate the EU integration, its effects on the European citizens, key statistical facts on major European policy areas, the European Union progress, etc. The purpose of the Annual International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas, research outcomes, business case and technical achievements. The subjects of mutual interest debated during the previous editions of the EIRP Conference Series included, but were not limited to: government debt, world trade, environment, migration, information society, dependency on energy imports, etc.

The organizers are looking for original papers, previously unpublished, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in the following areas:

1.         Legal Sciences in the New Millennium;

2.         The Immigrant’s Legal Status in International Law;

3.         The European Citizen and Public Administration;

4.         Performance and Risks in the European Economy;

5.         Green Economy and Sustainable Development;

6.         Modeling Growth – between Public Policy and Entrepreneurship;

7.         International Relations in the Contemporary World. Geopolitics and Diplomacy;

8.         Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Communication Science;

9.         New Trends in Psychology;

10.       Sports Governance. Modern Methods and Practices

11.       Higher Education Management of COVID-19:  Lessons for Future Pandemics

12.       The New Paradigm of FinTech and CyberSecurity

13.       The Youth of Today - The Generation of the Global Development - Estudentiana -


All papers will be submitted to a scientific review process after which the accepted papers will be published in the EIRP Proceedings, under the ISSN reference 2067 – 9211, included in international databases (BDI).

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