Danubius University and Local Police, partnership for the development of joint projects

President of Danubius University, Assoc. Dr. Andy Pusca signed a partnership agreement with the Galati Local Police, represented by the General Director, Petrica Hahui, for the development of joint projects aimed at organizing educational events as well as study programs.

The action is part of a larger project, which involves the involvement of the Danubius University Sports Club in supporting the organization of the ULTRAMARATHON 2022 sports event, but also the development of sports activities for our students.

Danubius University selects experts, scholars, and students from nine countries to serve as members of its International Advisory Council

The membership of the IAC will be composed of highly accomplished individuals who have distinguished themselves in their professional  and academic endeavors. 

The life experiences and the variety of backgrounds and endeavors of the members of the council will provide thoughtful and constructive oversight of the manner in which Danubius University will be guided into the future.  They bring demonstrated expertise in several different areas, including business, law, government, public relations, fundraising, technology, academic administration and healthcare.  As a private, entrepreneurial institution that intends to serve as an academic bridge between the East and the West,  Danubius is both philosophically and geographically positioned to connect these two spheres.

This is the list of the members of the International Advisory Council

1. Bernard J. MILANO, Former President of the KPMG Foundation and retired founding president of the Ph.D. project, USA

2. Coralia Adina COTORACI, Rector, Vasile Goldis Western University, Arad Romania

3. Cordell CARTER, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Socrates Program, USA

4. Costel FOTEA, President, Galati County Council, Romania

5. Crystal YOO, Alumni Trustee, Bergen Community College, USA

6. Dagmar CAGANOVA, Vice Dean for International Projects, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trvana, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

7. Dan SHOMON, CEO, Dan Shomon Incorporated, USA

8. Ellen R. BABBY,Senior Fellow, Center for the Future of Arizona,USA

9.  Eugenia KARAVAEVA, Former Deputy Rector, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

10. Florin SPATARU, Romanian Minister of Economy, Former Director, Human Resources and Corporate Affairs, Damen Shipyards, Galati, Romania

11.  Gabriela MUSTATA WILSON, Professor and Co-Director, Multi-Interprofessional Center for Health Informatics, University of Texas-Arlington,USA

12.  Gloria D. THOMAS, President, Higher Education Resource Services, USA

13.  Ioana DUMITRESCU, Student, University of Texas-Arlington,USA

14.  Ionut VASILIU, CEO and Founder, IV Future Limited, Romania

15.  Iulian ZAMFIR, CEO ,,Bella Italia,, Braila, Romania

16.  Joseph HUGGINS, President and CEO, The Huggins Group; Former US Ambassador to Botswana,USA

17. Juliana POPOVA, Coordinator for Inter-Institutional Coordination, "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse, Bulgaria

18.  Predrag K. NIKOLIC, Former Dean of the Faculty of Digital Production, EDUCONS University, Serbia

19.  Răzvan THEODORESCU, Vice Chair of the Romanian Academy, Romania

20.  Ricardo P. PAMA, Secretary General, Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific, Thailand

21.  Stefan SCHALTEGGER, Founder and Head, Center for Sustainability Management, Leophana University, Luxembourg

22.  Wei HE, Professor, Founder and President of He Vision Group, China

Historical Memorandum of Understanding Signed between Jarvis Christian College and “Danubius” University

A new historical Memorandum of Understanding agreement opens the doors for cultural and educational exchanges between Jarvis Christian College (JCC), U.S.A. and “Danubius” University of Galați, Romania, as early as Summer 2022, according to JCC President Dr. Lester C. Newman and “Danubius” Rector Dr. William Harvey who both signed the document on November 18.

Thanks to a $20,000 gift from an anonymous donor, four Jarvis student leaders have the opportunity to attend classes in Romania next summer with tuition, fees, airfare and all expenses covered.

The agreement establishes a mutually beneficial educational and research relationship in all academic fields and disciplines offered at both institutions. Faculty and student exchanges will promote academic and cultural ties, providing a global perspective for participants. The institutions will organize joint seminars, conferences and workshops, exchange program materials and develop joint research and publications.

Following a recent visit in Eastern Europe, Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Development Dr. Kenoye K. Eke, Sr., worked with Rector Harvey to orchestrate the agreement. Professor Harvey is the first African-American to lead a European University.


Assoc. Senior Lecturer Petra Alina Marinescu

PR&MEDIA Consultant

Danubius University will celebrate its 30th anniversary year through a series of events dedicated to recognizing and awarding excellence

To acknowledge and celebrate its thirtieth anniversary year, Danubius University will host a range of programs during the year, including art exhibits, presentations by accomplished speakers, monthly sweepstakes, professional development workshops, movies, conferences, recognition ceremonies, and its first ever summer school.  The management of the activities will be guided by the Danubius International Advisory Council, which is a group of experts, scholars, and students from ten countries around the world.

Starting in January will be the first presentation in the Phenomenal Women series.  Each month, a woman who has achieved a national reputation in her chosen profession will share information and insights about her successes and struggles with the audience.  The first presenter in the series will be Claudia Nicolae, the director of AGERPRES, the oldest news service in Romania and the first autonomous news agency in the country.  She will be followed in February by Professor Gabriela Mustata-Wilson, Co-Director of the Multi-Interprofessional Center for Health Informatics at the University of Texas at Arlington, and then in March by Professor Irena Chiru, who is the Dean of the Faculty for Intelligence Services at the National Intelligence Academy of Romania. Also planned for January is the opening of a vivid photographic exhibition of Romanian life, both past and present, that will be co-sponsored by the American embassy in Bucharest.

February 15 will be Danubius University Day, at which time the members of the university community who have contributed twenty years or more of service will be acknowledged for their longevity and their contributions to the university.  The Benone Pusca Distinguished Speaker series, named after the founder of Danubius University, will also be launched in February, and each person selected to participate will have demonstrated a level of accomplishment that has gained them international recognition in their field.  The university is honored to have Professor Adrian Curaj, a highly respected educational leader and scholar as the first presenter in this series.

In March, along with its partner, the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics/ICI, the university is planning to co-sponsor a conference on The Need for Critical Infrastructure, and later in the spring, on May 12-14, Danubius will host the European Integration - Realities and Perspectives Conference, which brings together scholars and policy makers from people from Europe, America and Asia.  A first-time event will take place later in the month when a group of United States university leaders from the American College on Education Fellows Program comes to Romania to participate in a seminar on Internationalization in Higher Education.  The participants will meet with both academic and government officials from throughout Romania as well as with staff from the American embassy. 

Another important innovation will take place in June, when the university hosts  its first summer school, the Danubius International Summer Experience in which students from two American higher education institutions, Jarvis Christian College and the University of Southern Indiana will come to the campus to take classes in International Relations and Intercultural Communications.

A film festival, featuring Romanian-American actors, is being planned for July, which will provide some summer entertainment for our friends and supporters in the local communities

The Phenomenal Women series will resume in September  and the last week of the month will be celebrated as the 30th Anniversary Week.  It will feature the Second Annual Two Democratic Societies in Transition conference, in which scholars and experts will analyze a spectrum of economic, social, political, and cultural issues that impact Romania and the United States.  The conference will lead into the start of the academic year and the Community of Scholars celebration, which marks the start of classes on October 3.

Finally, the year will conclude as it started, with presentations in the Phenomenal Women series in November and December and the final Benone Pusca Distinguished Speaker, also in December.  This robust schedule of events demonstrates how this institution of higher learning recognizes and responds to its position as an international university that bridges the West and the East. 

Danubius University has truly become the "Diamond on the Danube" and in only three decades, it has established a reputation and achieved a standing that has placed it among the top twenty-seven percent of universities in the world. (EduRank).

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