PNRR: Funds for Modern and Reformed Romania!

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Press Release

„PNRR: Funds for Modern and Reformed Romania!”


In September, the project was started "UDiGi - Digital Transformation and Innovative Learning Methods in Galați Higher Education”, which will take place over a period of 40 months.

The first official meeting will take place on 19.10.2022, at 13:00 in the Senate Hall.

The main objectives of the project are:

General objective: Increasing the adaptation capacity of the Danubius University in Galati to the needs of the labor market, by modernizing the digital educational infrastructure of the Faculty Departments, creating two new technological centers and four new research laboratories with the provision of related equipment, in order to ensure participation in a quality, modern and inclusive educational process until 2026.

Specific objectives:

1. Ensuring a solid IT infrastructure, resilient to cyber attacks and able to ensure the functionalities of a dynamic digital platform, based on an open architecture in the next three years from the start of project implementation.

2. Creation of two new digital educational centers and four new laboratories for training students in emerging trades.

3. Updating the specialized professional training of teaching staff, auxiliary teaching staff and users (minimum 50 teaching staff, minimum 120 students, external environment) in the use of technologies, including from the perspective of innovative technologies and change management.

4. The updating of 6 study programs and the creation of a new development program for the development of digital skills, especially in the strategic areas of development, in order for students to acquire specific skills for emerging jobs and to strengthen entrepreneurial skills.

Romania's Recovery and Resilience Plan is a strategic document that establishes the investment priorities and reforms necessary for recovery and sustainable growth, linked to the green and digital transition envisaged by the European Commission.

PNRR is based on 6 main pillars:

1. The green transition

2. Digital transformation

3. Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

4. Social and territorial cohesion

5. Economic, social and institutional health and resilience

6. Policies for the New Generation

Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan provides for 507 milestones and targets related to the reforms and investments undertaken. A robust package of 107 investments and more than 50 reforms will help effectively address country-specific recommendations and strengthen the potential for economic growth.

The Ministry of European Investments and Projects (MIPE) is the national coordinator.


PNRR. Funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU




Mioara Lepădatu,

PR Specialist


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The International Conference "Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges"

Among its scientific priorities, Danubius University includes topics related to climate change, environmental protection, renewable energy sources or the circular economy, being actively involved in terms of scientific research in the field.

On November 17-18, 2022, Danubius University will host online the International Conference "Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges".

The conference with the theme "Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges" is another occasion in this sense, through which our university asserts itself in this highly relevant scientific area today.

The event is carried out within the Central European Initiative by collaborating with a number of important academic partners from the Balkan and Central European area, such as the University of Tirana (Albania), the University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic), the University of Kielce (Poland), University of Dubrovnik (Croatia), University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia), University of Rzeszow (Poland), "Dzemal Bijedic" University in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria), University of Tuzla ( Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the University of Tetovo (North Macedonia).

Prof. univ. dr. habil. Florian Nuţă, the vice-rector for research activity and quality assurance at Danubius University, told us: "We enjoy the traditional collaboration we have with a number of partners within this conference and we are pleased to open new opportunities for cooperation in the Balkans and Central Europe region. The theme of this conference is among the strategic priorities in the field of research within our university, there are already concrete results in this sense in the form of publications and ongoing research projects. The national and European development objectives are closely related to this area. Topics such as "Business models in the circular economy", "Green finance", "Smart solutions in the context of climate change", "Renewable energy sources", "Green marketing" or "Processes and technologies regarding materials with a low carbon footprint", these are just some of the themes of the conference, which cover a wide scientific area (Economy, ICT, Engineering, Ecology). In the context of the global environmental crisis (climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution), events of this kind are not only aimed at finding solutions and proposing concrete measures of action, but also have a social role to improve awareness of the problems environmental issues we face as a global society."

CEI members aim at rethinking the way of producing and consuming by adopting a circular approach, which overall can improve both the environment and the competitiveness of enterprises.

In this scenario, leading academic scientist, researchers and practitioners and policymakers are called to share their research results on challenges and opportunities of implementing circular economy and to design and implement circular economy strategies.

The International Conference on Circular Economy serves as a multiplatform where interdisciplinary sessions, panels, and working groups will present and discuss new solutions for green economy in its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – in a balanced and integrated manner. The fundamental target to be reached is thinking again manufacturing systems and intervening on citizens’ consumption habits through the technological, social and organizational innovation. The conference will follow up a broader range of stakeholders, policy makers and experts to discuss policy frameworks at the national and regional levels on pro-poor development strategies, to support accelerated investments and refine the policy-relevant messages in order to obtain sustainable development leading to reduced amounts of natural resources used, wastes disposed of in landfills, and greenhouse gas emitted to the atmosphere. The conference will conclude with a road map to promote practices and mechanisms that are sustainable, in accordance with national policies and priorities among CEI members based on sharing, circularity, collaboration, solidarity, resilience, opportunity, and interdependence.

Conference format

The Organizing Committee anticipates a hybrid conference format that combines a live in-person

event, with virtual online streaming of selected sessions and presentations of CEI hosting


Conference Language

The official language of the conference is English.

Important deadlines

-Abstract submission: November 3rd, 2022

-Notification of acceptance: November 7th, 2022

-Full paper submission: December 15th, 2022

-Regular Registration: November 11th, 2022

-Late Registration: November 17th, 2022

-Conference fee Eur 40

-Late Registration fee Eur 60


Certificate of presentation will be issued to participants presenting their research in sessions.

Certificate of chairing a session will be issued to chairs, acknowledging their role at the


Best Paper Award will be conferred to the author(s) of the best paper presented at the




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Web: https://conferences.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/CEI/CEI2022



Mioara Lepădatu

PR Specialist

The Message of the Rector of Danubius University Proffesor Steve O. Michael PhD, at the Ceremony for the Opening of the 2022-2023 University Year

It is my utmost delight to welcome all our returning and new students to the Opening Ceremony of the 2022-23 academic year.  I also take this opportunity to welcome all our faculty members, staff, and supporters back from their summer vacation and respite.  To all our students, I do not know your personal stories or the journey that leads you to Danubius University, but I know that all of you have one thing in common, you are here to better your life, you seek education that will make you a better contributor to society and to your family. 

You have chosen Danubius University from among all the options available in hope that Danubius University would do its best to embrace you, nurture your dreams, educate you, and prepare you for the future that lays ahead of you. 


I stand before you today in Galati, Romania far from my home in the United States, to extend to you that which good education has done for me.  Good education is hard work, good education will stretch you.  Good education requires your investment.  Good education does not cheat, does not cut corners or look for the easy way out.

Those who put in the honest efforts reap the honest benefits because as my father told me as a young boy, “life will always pay you back in your own currency.”


As the new Rector of Danubius University, it is my responsibility to work with the institution to ensure that your trust in the University is not misplaced and your expectations are fulfilled and hopefully surpassed.   To achieve our mutual interest of your academic success, you must do your part.  I invite you today to set high expectations for yourself and for your professors.  Expect to work hard because those who are searching for gold must learn to dig hard. 

Those who expect easy grades or who want to earn their degrees in a dubious way may get the titles, but they will never have the intellectual substance or academic rigor to engage the world and rise to their fullest. 


In addition, I am here to lend my expertise to make Danubius University a truly internationalized institution.  I am here to join hands with the team to take the University to its next level of excellence, an institution that should be worthy of your pride and the pride of the people of Galati, Braila, Romania, and the Baltic region. 

I am here to join you all to envision a new Danubius University, a resilient, progressive, and dynamic institution with the mission of producing leaders and workforce of the future. 


With expansive experience across the globe, I come to Danubius University with a deep sense of what a university should be in society, and the roles of intellectuals in pursuit of truth, disseminating truth, debunking credulity, shattering myths, and expanding the frontier of knowledge.  In the coming months, I will be working with the faculty toward curricular transformation that will make Danubius a truly unique experience and make our graduates stand out among their peers. 


In closing, I welcome you all to become my teachers.  If you speak Romanian language, teach me something wherever you see me, and I will always be grateful. 

Thank you and have a successful academic year!




Dr. Steve O. Michael

Professor & Rector


Danubius University will be represented again this year at the 15th AUAP General Conference 2022 by the President of the University Associate Professor Andy Pușcă PhD hosted by Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 14-16 November 2022.


AUAP General Conference 2022

This year′s theme will be “Synergy between Information Technology and Quality Education in the 4IR Era" after traveling from Australia, China, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Iran, Thailand, Philippines this is for the 2nd time that Bangladesh is going to host this global conference. It is expected that participants comprising of University Presidents, Rectors, Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Academicians, Top Executives, Administrators & and Govt. representatives from different countries will join this conference.


Keynote Speaker

DR. Fernando Léon GARCÍA, President IAUP 2021-2024 and CETYD University

Dr. Leon-Garcia is President of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) for 2021-2024. He has also been President of CETYS University since 2010, leading the institution to accreditation in the USA (WASC, ACBSP, ABET) and one of the most internationalized universities in Mexico. Prior to that, he served as Chancellor of City University of Seattle‘s International Division, with a presence across the Americas, Europe and Asia.


AUAP General Conference 2022

Daffodil International University (DIU) is going to host the 15th AUAP General Conference 2022 with the theme “Synergy between Information Technology and Quality Education in the 4IR Era" to be held from November 14- 16, 2022 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. After traveling from Australia, China, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Iran, Thailand, Philippines this is for the 2nd time that Bangladesh is going to host this global conference. It is expected that participants comprising of University Presidents, Rectors, Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Academicians, Top Executives, Administrators & and Govt. representatives from different countries will join this conference.


About Daffodil International University (DIU)

Daffodil International University (DIU) is one of the top universities in Bangladesh according to many national and international rankings, including THE, QS and Greenmetric for its green outlook. Currently DIU is having 22,000 students under 5 different faculties and 25 departments. Around 400 international students from many different countries are currently studying here too. DIU established international collaborations with around 440 universities all over the world and members of leading international organizations like AUPF, IIE, IAU, IAUP, AUAP, ACU, ALA, ACD, Magna Charta, UNAI, APAIE, EURAS, ESRUC, EEUA, ATUNET, IEEE, ISTQB, ACE, NAFSA, AMDISA, EAIE, ATIFTAF, ITU, ACBSP, UNGC, UMAP, IFLA, WUACD, GUNI, SDSN, ASEF, AIESEC, ASECU, IETI, Future Team, SDG Helpdesk, EEUA etc.

With global partners, DIU is mutually working in the area of student and faculty exchange programs, summer & winter programs, scholarship, international internship, research collaborations, short-term training programs, virtual mobility, etc.


Website: http://daffodilvarsity.edu.bd

International Partners: http://daffodilvarsity.edu.bd/international-linkage

Int’l Memberships: http://daffodilvarsity.edu.bd/mps/members

Programs: http://daffodilvarsity.edu.bd/article/programs

Links about AUAP General Conference 2022: https://auapgc2022.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd/


Promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FytsQkRL20


Mioara Lepădatu,

PR Specialist

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