
The Center for Hermeneutics “Symbols and Texts” (CHeST) of “Danubius” University of Galați will organize on Tuesday, the 21st of March 2023, starting with 4.00 p.m., at the University Library “Benone Pușcă”, a round table on the topic of




The point of departure for debates will be the conference of the CHeST’s guest:


Daniel Mazilu (Ph.D. in Philosophy) – Artificial legal intelligence from the perspective of Emilio Betti’s hermeneutics

Guests from the US Embassy, the U.S. Army and the Romanian Army, at the Danubius University

On March 22, starting at 9:30 a.m., in the Aula Magna of Danubius University, representatives of the US Embassy in Romania, of the U.S. Army Civil Affairs 1814, but also of the 1st Civil-Military Cooperation Battalion will meet with students, master's students, teaching staff and Danubian graduates, in a public information event, with the general theme of the current geopolitical context.

The event is moderated by the Rector of UDG, the American professor Steve O. Michael, and aims to answer the questions of Danubian community members about how the USA thinks it will end the war in Ukraine; about the importance of the Strategic Partnership between NATO, Romania and the USA; how the US Embassy can support Danube students who want to study in America. High school students and teachers from Galati and Braila are also expected to participate in this meeting, the topics addressed are of interest especially for high school students from the final classes who want to continue their studies in universities in the USA.

Participation is only based on reservation place in the hall, to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to the phone number 0733180466 - Oana Draganescu, Communication Manager, Danubius University.

The Danubius Library became the BENONE PUSCA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, in memory of the Founder of the Danubius University

The event took place within the Danubius University Day Anniversary, February 15, and brought together, in the Library, people of culture, teachers, students and representatives of local authorities.

The new name, the Benone Pușca University Library, represents the first of a series of projects that will be carried out within the Danubius University and the Benone Pusca University Foundation, to pay tribute to the cultural and patrimonial legacy of the Founder.

The initiator of this initiative,  Dr. Florian Nuta, Vice-Rector for scientific research and innovation, proposed to carry out several activities and cultural projects that would focus on promoting the cultural personality of Professor Benone Pusca.

President of the Danubius University, Dr. Andy Pusca, declared his unconditional support for the success of these initiatives that will be carried out to keep alive the memory of the UDG Founder, Dr. Benone Pusca, and addressed the invitation to all members of the Danubius community to implement as many projects of this kind as possible, the Benone Pusca University Foundation being the organization that will deal with their management.


Dr. Florian NUȚĂ and Dr. Călin RANGU, experts in the National Register of Experts for the certification of research and development activity

Dr. Florian NUȚĂ, Vice-Rector for Research and dr. Călin RANGU, Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration of the Danubius University, Galati, were selected as experts in the National Register of Experts for the certification of research and development activity (REXCD).

Following a selection procedure, on February 13, 2023, the National Register of Experts for the certification of research and development activity (REXCD) was established, by research and development fields, corresponding to the fields and subfields of the National Strategy for Research, Innovation and Intelligent Specialization - SNCISI 2022-2027 approved by Government Decision No. 933/2022.

The fields of intelligence specialization at the national level in which the REXCD experts were selected are: Bioeconomy; Digital economy and space technologies; Energy and mobility; Advanced manufacturing; Advanced functional materials; Environment and eco-technologies; Health – prevention, diagnosis and advanced treatment.

By establishing the Register of Experts, a transparent, objective and predictable framework will be ensured for private investments in research and development as a result of the new legislation on research and development activities, which introduced the need for the certification of activities by experts registered in the above-mentioned Register, on based on a specific methodology.

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