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Danubius University participates in PLOTO project

Danubius University participates in the PLOTO Project, co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Innovation Actions under grant agreement No. 101069941, with a duration of three years (September 2022 – February 2026).

PLOTO aims at increasing the resilience of the Inland Waterways (IWW) infrastructures and the connected land infrastructures, thus ensuring reliable network availability under unfavorable conditions, such as extreme weather, accidents, and other kinds of hazards.

PLOTO includes 3 pilot sites in Belgium, Hungary, and Romania and 20 partners from 8 European countries that will work together for the next 42 months.

The role of Danubius University in the pilot site is to make socioeconomic studies, co-definition of research and market needs, business consultancy, training, and research dissemination. Also, climate parameter analyses will be developed to measure the climate change impact. It is intended to adapt solutions and modify design parameters or include additional ones to achieve the desired IWW and connected infrastructure applicability. For more information about the Danubius University role in the project please click here https://ploto-project.eu/ploto-partners-under-the-spotlight-udg/ .

For more information, please visit PLOTO Website and connect with us on LinkedinTwitter , and YouTube.





European Union Law

The mission of the „Danubius" University of Galaţi to offer high quality education and research in a national and European context is also accomplished through the study program European Union Law.

This study program has the mission of fulfiling the legal training made during bachelor studies with an additional training in the field of law, offering master students a special opportunity to study European law in an interdisciplinary context of law, politics and philosophy by studying the principles, policies and regulations that are the foundation of a legal system in evolution.

Details - https://www.univ-danubius.ro/en/facultatea-de-drept/programe-de-master


European Law and Public Administration

The specific objectives of this study program aim to:

- Training specialists in the field of European law, especially of European public administration legislation, taking into consideration the public relations dimension, essential today for local communities;

- Offering a professional perspective for students looking for a career in public administration, and also in other services and professions that require such training;

- Training future PhD students that want an academic or research career (in research institutions, study departments of ministries and other institutions);

- Training a corps of professional public servants, familiar with the requirements and the functioning of European institutions;

- Developing the analysis and synthesis of public servants in public institutions;

- Ensuring adequate training for students (master students) concerning the European integration process and of the efforts necessary for Romanian public administration to achieve European standards in the field;

- Using the experience of university education in the country and abroad.

Details - https://www.univ-danubius.ro/en/facultatea-de-drept/programe-de-master


Criminal Science
The master university study program Criminal Science also sets out to get to know the means to prevent and fight crime, phenomenon with a high increase and diversification. In this manner, the program responds to stringent training needs in various fields of activity: justice, legal practice, police and others.

The specific objectives of this program are:

- Presenting the new Crime Code and the new Criminal Procedure Code;

- Presenting the role of the Constitutional Court in judging unconstitutionality exceptions in criminal matters, as well as the role of the European Court for Human Rights in this sense;

- Analysis of the opinions from the doctrine related to recent changes in the legislation;

- Presenting legal regulations in the matter of crime science, with explicit reference on the aspects of corruption, organized crime, money laundering, drug consumption, fiscal evasion, information crimes etc.;

Details - https://www.univ-danubius.ro/en/facultatea-de-drept/programe-de-master







Registration is done online and at the Danubius University headquarters or in the territorial registration centers - https://admitere.univ-danubius.ro/

Call Center: 0775 278 617 | enrollment@univ-danubius.ro

Registration schedule at the office: Monday-Friday 9.00-17.00


Danubius University, through the Faculty of Behavioral and Applied Sciences, specializing in PSYCHOLOGY, is the partner of #GALATIA2023 - EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF PSYCHIATRY AND MENTAL HEALTH, 7th EDITION, which will take place between May 17 - 21 in Galati.

Details about the registration of works in the field of psychology - anamburlea@yahoo.com


About the GALATIA 2023 Conference - The "Galatia 2023" European Psychiatry and Mental Health Conference, which will take place between May 17-21, is organized by the Lower Danube University Galati - Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy - and the "Elisabeta Doamna" Psychiatric Hospital ", in partnership with the "Danubius" Galați University, the Order of General Medical Assistants, Midwives and Medical Assistants from Romania, the College of Pharmacists from Romania and the Romanian Academy.

An important landmark in the scientific activities of psychiatrists, and not only, is the European Conference of Psychiatry and Mental Health "Galatia 2023", the 7th edition, held between May 17-21.


REGISTRATION: https://lapsihiatru.ro/inscriere-conferinta-galatia-2023/



EMPOWERING WOMEN, event dedicated to high school students

The students from the Leo Danubius Club and the GirlUp Association, together with the Student Services Department of the Danubius University, organized the first edition of the Empowering Women Conference, with the theme "Abuse and how women face it". The event took place in the Aula Magna of the Danubius University, Friday, March 31, and was broadcast live on social media. The special guests who spoke about this topic were: Univ. Lecturer. dr. Neaga Susanu, teaching staff at the Psychology specialization, Faculty of Behavioral and Applied Sciences, Asst. university Dr. Mariana Robea, Faculty of Law and Executive Director at the "Family" Foundation, Asst. university Dr. Giurgea Lenuta, Faculty of Law and Judicial Executor and Lawyer Laurentiu Onosa, graduate of Danubius University.

The students present at the event learned about abuse from both a psychological and legal perspective, and the executive director of the Family Foundation spoke about concrete cases that had to face the brutality of abuse. The organizers proposed to continue this series and the next event it could be done in June, with a similar theme.

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