EMPOWERING WOMEN, event dedicated to high school students

EMPOWERING WOMEN, event dedicated to high school students

The students from the Leo Danubius Club and the GirlUp Association, together with the Student Services Department of the Danubius University, organized the first edition of the Empowering Women Conference, with the theme "Abuse and how women face it". The event took place in the Aula Magna of the Danubius University, Friday, March 31, and was broadcast live on social media. The special guests who spoke about this topic were: Univ. Lecturer. dr. Neaga Susanu, teaching staff at the Psychology specialization, Faculty of Behavioral and Applied Sciences, Asst. university Dr. Mariana Robea, Faculty of Law and Executive Director at the "Family" Foundation, Asst. university Dr. Giurgea Lenuta, Faculty of Law and Judicial Executor and Lawyer Laurentiu Onosa, graduate of Danubius University.

The students present at the event learned about abuse from both a psychological and legal perspective, and the executive director of the Family Foundation spoke about concrete cases that had to face the brutality of abuse. The organizers proposed to continue this series and the next event it could be done in June, with a similar theme.

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