
13th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Danubius University June 29, 2023

organized by Danubius University of Galati, Romania, in collaboration with its Co-Organizing Institutions, which will be held online (ZOOM platform) at Galati, at the seat of Danubius University of Galati, Romaniaon June 29, 2023.

It is a one-day conference that will bring together a diverse range of participants from universities, the business sector, and public authorities.
We hope you will be able to join us as a participant and spread the word among your colleagues and other professional contacts.

All accepted papers will be published in the Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, under ISSN: 2284 – 5224 reference, and included in international databases.

Details about the content of the conference, the facilitators, the financial conditions, and the deadlines for registration can be found on the 2023 DAIE International Conference website.
For submitting to our conference, please send us the abstracts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Subject: DAIE 2023.


Preliminary Abstract Submission: 15th June 2023
Notification of acceptance:  18th June 2023
Final paper Submission for the journal: 31st July 2023
Registration as a participant: 14th June 2023

For further details visit our website DAIE 2023.

FEES & Registration

Conference Representative and Secretary

Gabriela Adina Margarit
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18th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives

Danubius University May 19, 2023 – May 20, 2023

World Institutional Challenges in the post-COVID Era

Danubius University of Galati, Romania, together with its co-organizing partners, University of Camerino, ItalyUniversity of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", BulgariaAleksander Moisiu University of Durres, AlbaniaUniversity of Tirana, AlbaniaFree International University of MoldovaPetroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti, Romania, The Romanian Academy, Romania, International Black Sea University, GeorgiaInvite you to the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE  in Galati, Romaniahosted by Danubius University of Galati, Romania


Keynote Speakers:

🎓Dr. Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente,
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

🎓Dr. Arshian Sharif,
Sunway University, Malaysia

🎓Dr. Muhammad Irfan
School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China

🎓Dr. Stephen Obaro
(Founder & Trustee, IFAIN), University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA

🎓Dr. Steve O. Michael, Danubius University of Galati, Romania
Rector and CEO


Manager of the EIRP International Conference

Dr. Florian Nuta
Vice-Rector for Scientific Research & Creative Scholarship

Registration - https://conferences.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/EIRP/EIRP2023/schedConf/registration


OFFICIAL LANGUAGEEnglish is the official language of the conference.DEADLINES:Abstract Paper Submission: April 24th, 2023 on the website of the conference
Notification of acceptance: April 28th, 2023
Final paper Submission for the proceedings: May 31, 2023 on the Proceedings website EIRP Proceedings  (for those interested to publish in the conference proceedings)
Deadline for registration and for paying the conference fee: 1st May, 2023
2023 EIRP International Conference: May 19-20th, 2023The hybrid conference (in-person and virtual experiences) will be taking place virtually on ZOOM platform and in-person at the seat of "Danubius" University.


Registration Manager

Dana Robu

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Danubius University, host of the community outreach event carried out by representatives of the American Government in Romania

Representatives of the US Embassy in Romania, of the U.S. Army Civil Affairs 1814, but also of the 1st Civil-Military Cooperation Battalion met with the students from Galati and Braila, but also with the students, master's students, teachers and graduates from Danube, in the presence of the representatives local authorities, within the public information event, having the current geopolitical context as the general theme.

The host of the event was the Rector of UDG, the American professor Steve O. Michael, who spoke about the importance of the strategic partnership within NATO, between Romania and the USA, about the role of universities to be the link between civil society and military representatives.

President of the Danubius University, Dr. Andy Pusca emphasized the fact that the university has undertaken the mission of creating a climate as open and welcoming as possible for such events in which one can freely discuss democracy, war, European culture and civilization in a global context, American influence in our country.

During the public information event, there were speeches about professional experiences, about difficulties and opportunities for career development, about challenges and successful events that they experienced during their professional life, and even about various beautiful events that marked and felt the need to share them with the public. The speakers were Mr. Drew Beck, USAEUR-AF (United States Army Europe and Africa) Host Nation Advisor for Romania of the ROU-US Strategic Partnership, Captain Kovacs Daniel - Team Chief Civil Affairs Team 1814, with 12 years of experience in the United States Army - Operation Atlantic Resolve 2020, Poland, Sergeant Jennifer Garcia, Civil Affairs Team Sergeant, with 15 years of experience in the United States Army - Pacific Partnership 2019, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Sergeant Dan Bush, Civil Affairs Non-Commissioned Officer , having 12 years of experience in the United States Army and in the United States Marine Corps, 31st, 11th, and 15th Marine Expedition Unit deployments (2006, 2007, 2010) and Operation Enduring Freedom 2008 and Sergeant Thomas Wood, Civil Affairs Non-Commissioned Officer , with 15 years of experience in the United States Army - Operation Enduring Freedom 2011 Army Deployment, Afghanistan.

The event ended with the invitation to visit, in the lobby of the Aula Magna, the exhibition of war photography made by Agerpres, and which was inaugurated by the general director of the National Press Agency of Romania, Mrs. Claudia Nicolae.

The Launch of the Educational Project: AGILE MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP

On March 15, within the „Vasile Alecsandri” National College, the launch of the Educational Project – AGIL MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP initiated by the Department for Teaching Staff Training (DPPD), together with the Danubius University, Galati, the County School Inspectorate (ISJ) Galati took place and the Galati Didactic House (CCD).

The training and development of the teaching staff’s skills is based both on the theoretical and informative activity, as well as on the practical activity, carried out in different professional contexts. From the model of the teacher „specialist in a field, soon overtaken by scientific developments” we pass to the model of the „teacher-trainer, able to adapt to the new, to constantly train himself”. Agile management is a leadership style that strives to remove these obstacles to success so that teaching staff can be more effective and productive.

The topics addressed were aimed at: discovering practical strategies to facilitate managerial success, identifying the challenges of educational management and solving problems from the perspective of agile management, based on effective strategies and techniques, through the planned introduction of new management methods.

„Agile leaders adapt their leadership style, and actions speak louder than words! The inspirational leader is a model through action, and his virtues are SIMPLICITY and EMPATHY” concluded the lecture. University Dr. Doinita Popa, the initiator of the project.

The event was intended for directors and deputy directors from Galati County, and the representatives of the project were:

Prof. Gina Brînzan – ISJ General School Inspector, Galati

Prof. Dr. Steve O Michael- Rector & CEO Danubius University

Prof. Dr. Corneliu Andy Pușcă – President of Danubius University

Assoc. Dr. Filip Stanciu- Vice-Rector, Danubius University

Prof. Doina Geru- CCD Director, Galati

Lect. Dr. Doinita Popa – Director of DPPD, Danubius University


Mioara Lepădatu,

PR specialist

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