The International Conference Digital Challenge 2023 - "Digital Innovation for a Sustainable Future"

The International Conference Digital Challenge 2023 - "Digital Innovation for a Sustainable Future" is an event organized as part of the Digital Challenge competition, which focuses on the presentation and discussion of papers and research in the field of technology and computer science. During the scientific session, participants have the opportunity to present their projects, studies and findings to an audience of experts, professionals and other participants.

This Conference provides an environment conducive to sharing knowledge, receiving feedback and stimulating debate and collaboration between researchers and technology enthusiasts.

Participants can present papers and research in various subfields of technology and computer science, such as artificial intelligence, cyber security, software development, computer networks, big data, the Internet of Things, and more. These presentations can be in oral or poster format. The Digital Challenge science session offers participants the opportunity to improve their science communication skills, receive recognition for their work, and network with technology professionals and researchers.

It is an important time when participants can present and promote their innovations and discoveries and contribute to the advancement of IT knowledge and technologies.


The organizers are looking for original papers, previously unpublished, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in the following areas:

1. Artificial intelligence and cyber-security

Chair: Senior Lecturer Florin Postolache, PhD

2. Challenges and perspectives for education in the Digital Era

Chair: Associate Professor, Filip Stanciu, PhD, vice-rector of Danubius University

3. E-Health

Chair: Associate Professor Iulian-Nicusor Arama, PhD

4. Contemporary digital Development (E-government, virtual globalization (Management, Economics, Law)), Contemporary Humanity Behaviors in Digital Era (Psychology, Sociology, etc.)

Chair: Senior Lecturer Daniela Litan PhD

5. The impact of digitization and AI in the aerospace field

Chair: Associate Professor Adrian Beteringhe, PhD



The hybrid conference (in-person and virtual experiences) will be taking place virtually on ZOOM platform and in-person at the seat of "Danubius" University.

Details  – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Student Affairs Department has opened a series of events for our freshmen, organizing the ORIENTATION WEEK FOR DANUBIUS STUDENTS, to provide all the necessary information about the online study platform, about the computer labs, psychology, thank you, about the television studio and about the possibilities and research directions and about the Center for Counseling and Career Guidance! Professors from all four schools, together with the President of the Board of Administration, Dr. Andy Pusca, by the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Dr. Florian Nuta, by the Vice-Rector for Didactic Activity, Dr. Filip Stanciu, together with the deans and the representatives of the support departments, interacted with the students and presented all the details of "DANUBIUS student life"!

The most awaited moment of the first day of this program was the one dedicated to the presentation of the online platform study, carried out by Dr. Alina Nuta, Director of the Department of Distance and Low-Frequency Education. Meetings with representatives of the Student Relations Department continue on Thursdays, also, from 4:00 P.M.

Rector Steve O. Michael’s October 2nd, 2023 Opening Day’s Address

Buna dimineaţa.  Sper ca sunteti bine! Mă bucur să vă văd pe toți. 


My name is Dr. Steve O. Michael and I have the pleasure of serving as the Rector and CEO of Danubius University.  It is my utmost delight to welcome all the new students as well as all the returning students to the new academic year starting today.  To our new students, I thank you for choosing Danubius University as the place to receive your education and to our returning students, I thank you for returning to complete the journey you’ve started with us. 


The Opening Day ceremony has two purposes.  First, we organize ourselves to welcome our new and returning students to the campus so as to kick start the academic year and second, we, members of the university administration and professors, use this opportunity to convey our pledges and promises to you.  As part of the welcome, you will engage in extended orientation that should facilitate smooth transition for you.   By joining this university, you have placed your trust in us to help fulfill your expectations, which include the realization of your dream, personal growth, professional advancement, quality education, preparation for leadership, and fun and pleasure of being a student.  As an American who has led several very large universities before coming to Danubius, I have given this speech to thousands of Americans students in the past and I am glad to give the same speech to you.  As your Rector, I take your trust very seriously and pledge to do everything I can leading the team to ensure that your expectations are fulfilled and hopefully surpassed. 


Our highest priority at Danubius University is and must be student success.  As a private institution, we have the privilege to do things better and that include responding to your needs promptly, checking on you if you miss several classes, advising you if you are falling behind with your grades, ensuring you complete your program on time, providing opportunities for you to engage in a short study abroad, and providing opportunities for you to exercise your leadership talents.  As a small university, you are not just a number.  We want to know you.  We want to hear of your own story.  We want to mentor you and we want to be there for you when you need us.  You are not an empty brain waiting to be filled by uncaring professors.  You are a human being with all the potentials that the good Lord has endowed you with.  At Danubius, we want to amplify these potentials, nurture your growth, and celebrate your accomplishments and continue to do so even after your graduation. 


To achieve our mutual goals, you must do your part.  I want you to know that academic success has a formula.  The formula starts with a strong determination to succeed and followed by action to enroll in the classes assigned to you, read the materials provided to you, never miss a class, engage with your professors, spend time studying, complete your assignments on time, ask questions in class, and if your class is online, turn on your cameras, and participate actively.  From my experience, students who turn on their cameras and participate actively tend to be those who end up getting A’s.  If you do your part, your success is guaranteed. As a university, we will do our part. 


Lastly, there is pleasure and fun being a student.  I want to see some of the things we do in the United States here at Danubius University.  Students do organize social events, be the one to initiate them.  Students do organize community service events, be the one to introduce one.  Some of our best friends in life are those we met as students, be the one to reach out to others.  Soon, we will have more international students at Danubius, be the one to integrate them.  I encourage you, please have fun.  I know some of you have families and children and perhaps full-time jobs also, yet you must find a way to broaden your life beyond the daily chores.  By the way, I would like to challenge you.  I do play Ping Pong or Table Tennis and if any student wants to challenge me, I will pay you in dollars with a T-shirt if you beat me.  Every time you beat me, you get a dollar.  You will get a tee-shirt that says, “I Beat Rector Michael of Danubius University.”  Come to the campus, I want to see you there. 


As you can tell from my Romanian accent, I am not from here.  I am an American who is trying to be a Romanian, so I invite you to be my teacher.  Whenever you see me, please teach me how to say something in Romanian.  Welcome to the 2023-24 academic year and let us make this year a year of fun and a year of success. 


Vă mulțumesc și Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze în studiile voastre

Dr. Steve O. Michael, Professor, Rector & CEO

Dr. Jan Greenwood, one of the higher education leaders in the US, Guest Speaker at DU`s Retreat

On September, 22, 2023, Danubius University continued the tradition started last year, the Annual Leadership Retreat. The Annual Retreat brings university leaders together to review the past year's achievements and issues, and plan for the upcoming academic year. This year's Retreat was important because of the introduction of the new 7-year Strategic Plan for which leaders worked together to develop the timeline for implementation.

Another special event at the Retreat was the invited Guest Speaker, Dr. Jan Greenwood, from the United States. The Rector, Dr. Steve Michael, introduced Dr. Greenwood as one of the higher education leaders in the US, "who is widely known across the public and private higher education systems." Dr. Greenwood spoke about the characteristics of successful executive leaders and how leaders are identified and selected in the US.

The Retreat concluded with a review of the newly enacted Romanian higher education law. Next year's Retreat is set for September 20, 2024.

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