EIRP 2023 Conference

The 18th edition of the International Conference European Integration - Realities and Perspectives. World Institutional Challenges in the post-COVID Era took place in a hybrid format, in the Aula Magna and online, with the keynote speakers being from the USA, Spain, Malaysia and China. The main theme of this edition focused on the role of university education in people's lives, regardless of the culture or the country we each belong to, we are all under the impact that education has on us.

At the opening of the event, the President of the UDG, Univ. Conf. Dr. Andy Pusca, told the audience about the history of this international conference, about the personalities who contributed to the success of this event, through the scientific works they presented throughout the 18 editions, and about its importance for the academic life of the University Danubius.

EIRP2023 Manager, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, Prof. univ. dr. Florian Nuta, presented the theme and keynote speakers of this edition, and the Rector of UDG, Professor Steve O. Michael presented the latest research on the university education system and its role for the nations of the world in the year 2023.

The works presented within EIRP2023 had as themes main:

  • Legal sciences in the new millennium
  • The European citizen and public administration
  • Green economy and sustainable development Modeling growth – challenges and opportunities
  • International relations in the contemporary world.
  • Geopolitics and Diplomacy
  • The Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Communication Science
  • The 21st Century University - Challenges, Emerging Models, and Prospects
  • New Trends in Psychology
  • Today's Youth - The Generation of Global Development
  • The New Paradigm of FinTech and CyberSecurity
  • Medical and Health Education
  • Higher Education Issues, Policy, and Management
  • Technology in Education

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UDG Rector, Prof. Steve O. Michael, present at the DC NEWS Conference "Higher Education in Romania, facing new challenges"

The Rector of Danubius University, Prof. univ. Dr. Steve O. Michael, participated, online, on May 19, at the Conference "Higher Education in Romania, in the face of new challenges", organized by DC News, which had as debate themes:

  • Higher Education, in the light the new legislative package
  • PNRR-a solution to the need for investments in higher education and research?
  • The situation of dual education in Romania
  • The digitalization of the educational process
  • How is the new academic year prepared: the offer of Romanian universities for the new generation of students
  • The competitive advantages of Romanian education on the world education market.
  • The message conveyed by Professor Michael referred to the role and concerns of the university education system to transform civilizations, to build successful nations, to help economic prosperity, to bring political stability, or to grow and promote scientific discoveries. In conclusion, the UDG Rector mentioned the quote by Peter Thiel, American entrepreneur and philanthropist, who says that "higher education presents itself as a kind of universal church, outside of which there is no salvation.

International speakers at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE European Integration - Realities and Perspectives. World Institutional Challenges in the post-COVID Era 18th Edition

On May 19, at 9:00 a.m., in AULA MAGNA, the work of the 18th edition of the EUROPEAN INTEGRATION International Conference begins. REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES. WORLD INSTITUTIONAL CHALLENGES IN THE POST-COVID ERA.



09. 30-09. 45

Opening Ceremony

Welcome Messages and Greetings from the hosts

President of Danubius University

Associate Professor Andy Pusca, PhD

Conference Manager

Professor Florian Nuta, PhD


09. 45-10. 45


Dr. Stephen Obaro
(Founder & Trustee, IFAIN), University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA

Dr. Steve O. Michael
Danubius University of Galati, Romania


11. 00 - 12. 30


Dr. Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente,
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Dr. Muhammad Irfan
School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Dr. Arshian Sharif, Sunway University, Malaysia


12. 30-13. 00


ENFORMATION.RO: Rareș Vasilică – Trainer
Publishing Opportunities. How to increase your chances of publication?

Details about the program- https://conferences.univ-danubius.ro/public/conferences/1/schedConfs/65/program-en_US.pdf


The National Confederation for Female Entrepreneurship - CONAF, together with the Galati

County School Inspectorate and with the support of Danubius University, is organizing, on May 12, starting at 12.00, ″THE ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION MARATHON″ event, a business plan competition dedicated to Galati high school students.

This is a national project of CONAF, with an impact to support education, entrepreneurial initiative, digitization, innovation and sustainable development, dedicated to students with an entrepreneurial spirit and openness to innovation, willing to put their innovative ideas into practice in entrepreneurship.

″The entrepreneurial education marathon″ started in Galati, based on the Entrepreneurial Education Pact; signed by CONAF with the Ministry of Education and the collaboration protocol signed by CONAF Galati Branch with the Galati County School Inspectorate, in March 2023 through the implementation by entrepreneurs locals, members of CONAF Galati, of entrepreneurial education classes.

The event that closes the local ″Marathon″, organized in the Aula Magna of Danubius University aims to bring together businessmen, successful entrepreneurs who run important businesses in the Romanian space and high school students who have prepared business plans.

Teams of high school students from 8 colleges and high schools in the county participate in the project.

The teams of high school students, coordinated by the teachers, will defend their business plans in front of the jury chaired by Mrs. Cristina Chiriac, President of CONAF and VET ambassador, a leader with a reputation for her efforts regarding gender equality and equal opportunities, inclusion and vocational education , with the most convincing projects being awarded and subsequently participating in the national phase of the competition. All participating teams will be beneficiaries of vouchers that will contribute to their further personal and professional development.

Within Danubius University, this project is implemented with the support of the Faculty of Law, which aimed to present students with more information about the educational offer and projects of Danubius University.

The registrations for participation have already started, the teams of students, future entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs, are formed, intensive work is being done on perfecting the business plans, and the jury is impatient to get to Galați and meet the future entrepreneurs!

Danubius University wishes you SUCCESS!

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