The Danubius Library became the BENONE PUSCA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, in memory of the Founder of the Danubius University

The Danubius Library became the BENONE PUSCA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, in memory of the Founder of the Danubius University

The event took place within the Danubius University Day Anniversary, February 15, and brought together, in the Library, people of culture, teachers, students and representatives of local authorities.

The new name, the Benone Pușca University Library, represents the first of a series of projects that will be carried out within the Danubius University and the Benone Pusca University Foundation, to pay tribute to the cultural and patrimonial legacy of the Founder.

The initiator of this initiative,  Dr. Florian Nuta, Vice-Rector for scientific research and innovation, proposed to carry out several activities and cultural projects that would focus on promoting the cultural personality of Professor Benone Pusca.

President of the Danubius University, Dr. Andy Pusca, declared his unconditional support for the success of these initiatives that will be carried out to keep alive the memory of the UDG Founder, Dr. Benone Pusca, and addressed the invitation to all members of the Danubius community to implement as many projects of this kind as possible, the Benone Pusca University Foundation being the organization that will deal with their management.


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