Plea for life

Plea for life

Danubius University is an academic entity which places at the very beginning the power of the word, the freedom of expression and the respect towards the other, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, political conviction, religious beliefs or other personal determinations.
Beginning with the 24th of February 2022, the entire Planet is witnessing a terrible event with enormous humanitarian implications.  
The refugee crisis reached a point where each and every one of us faced with this event is trying to counteract its effects, not by requiting evil with evil, but by appealing to the highest humanitarian considerations, trying to bring forth that Good so necessary to the effort of reinstating the peace and manifesting a climate of safety, balance and warmth for the collateral victims of this tragedy. Irrespective of the geopolitical and military considerations of the moment, those who suffer most are the children and their protection must be our first priority. In this respect, we have opened up an account for the fundraising effort dedicated to the acquisition of foodstuffs and items necessary to the refugee mothers and their children who sought a safe haven, across the Romanian border.
We are appealing to you, within our partnership to stand by our side and donate. Even the smallest financial effort can make the difference and even if it might not change the situation on a general level or solve the problem as a whole, it will bring comfort to a soul who is in dire need of it. Whoever saves one life, save the World entire.

The account details are: RO76INGB0000999903990511 ING GALATI


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