Rebranding of the “Danubius” University Library

Rebranding of the “Danubius” University Library

The project of rebranding “Danubius” University Library looks into the expension of the target group of those who benefit from the services offered by our Library and into vissualy and thematically identifying the institution with the local community. 

Among the activities implied by this project of rebranding we mention the restructuring of the Library’s space through iplementing a series of “thematic corners” (e.g.: “La Boema”, “The World of Ancient Philosophers”, “The Old City”, “The Industrial Revolution 4.0” etc.).

About all the above, Florian Nuță, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, the project’s initiator, told us that “along with the activities in connection with the Library’s infrastructure, we envisage to organize a diversity of events on different topics for the academic community, but also dedicated to the local one as a whole. Some of the activities/ events will be organized in partnership with social partners, with the ones from the business environment or with the ones pertaining to particular professions. The thematic corner “The Old City”, the first of its kind that we launched, highlights the collection of old and patrimony books owned by “Danubius” University. We wish to offer a display space for this collection, but also one of proper study. This way, the area of the Library where these books will be displayed is so designed to send the user of the Library’s services in the period when the volumes were published (the 19th and beginning of 20th century). The vintage atmosphere will confer an authentic touch and one of elegance to the study experience in the “Danubius” University’s Library, prone to stimulate the reader’s imagination and curiosity. This approach will broaden, at the same time, the range of users of the Library’s services, responding not only to study requirements but also to academic research. We thank our partners from Agress Beauty Clinique for the given support in this endeavor”.

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