A Researcher from „Danubius” University Coordinates a Fundamental Work Regarding Scholar’s Eugeniu Coșeriu Linguistic Theory

A Researcher from „Danubius” University Coordinates a Fundamental Work Regarding Scholar’s Eugeniu Coșeriu Linguistic Theory

Recently, at De Gruyter (Berlin/Boston) - publishing house of international prestige, the volume Eugenio Coseriu. Past, Present and Future, taken care by Professors Klaas Willems (Gent University, Belgium) and Cristinel Munteanu („Danubius” University of Galați, Romania) was issued. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110712391/html

The publishing of this volume was occasioned by the centennial of the Romanian scientist’s Eugeniu Coșeriu (1921-2002) birth, well-known theoretician and philosopher of language. It’s the first collective volume written ad integrum in English within which more renowned specialists (Jürgen Trabant, Jörn Albrecht, Wolf Dietrich, Ana Agud, Johannes Kabatek, Pierre Swiggers et alii) present a variety of points of view regarding Coșeriu’s scientific work, looking into its continuous relevance for the sciences of language.    

This volume aims at enhancing researchers’ preoccupied with language and communication interest for Eugeniu Coșeriu’s linguistic theory, a theory coherently and unitary developed having as departure point “the activity of talking”. Contributors’ articles are grouped into three overreaching themes: (1) the philosophy of language, (2) the history of the science of language and (3) the theory and the practice of “comprehensive linguistics”.

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