ERASMUS+ Unique Opportunity for Personal and Professional Development in an International Environment

"Erasmus + is much more than an educational programe for students. Students who choose to live an Erasmus+ experience both during and after their successful graduation get to share their wonderful stories and experiences with us.

This is the case of Mihai Munteanu, student in the School of Behavioural and Applied Sciences, Psychology study program, 3rd year. He applied, was selected and today he is the beneficiary of an Erasmus+ Student Mobility grant at the University of Salerno, Italy,  Humanities study program, Philosophy and Education/DISUFF.

Mihai gave us his perspective on this opportunity:

"My current Erasmus experience at the University of Salerno, Italy, plays a crucial role in my professional development in the field of psychology. Here, I am continuously discovering new perspectives, benefiting from quality educational resources and an intercultural approach to the study of psychology.

Methodological and cultural differences are constantly challenging me to become more flexible and adaptable, thus adding extremely valuable skills in the practice of the profession I am training for. Currently, this experience significantly contributes to my personal development by interacting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

I enthusiastically recommend applying for Erasmus grants as they offer not only an advanced academic perspective but also unique opportunities for personal and professional growth in an exciting international environment."


Good luck, Mihai!

We hope this experience will help you build a successful professional career in the future!


For more information about the Erasmus+ programme you can visit https://univ-danubius.ro/en/compartimentul-de-parteneriate-internationale/institutii-partenere.

Also here you can find the list of partner universities and for more details, our colleagues can help you https://univ-danubius.ro/en/departartamentul-de-relatii-internationale/echipa.

New projects with He University, China

As an international university, Danubius University has proposed to expand its educational projects with different institutions across the globe. One of the main goals of the leadership team is to expand opportunities for students, staff, and faculty members by building bridges between our university and international academic institutions from China and USA.

For that, our Rector and CEO, Dr. Steve O. Michael, visited the HE UNIVERSITY in China two weeks ago where he met with the President, Dr. Wei, who is also a member of the International Advisory Board of Danubius University.

Rector Michael reported that his visit to HE University was fruitful and productive. "The leadership of the University, including President Wei and his Chief of Staff, Ms. Grace, welcomed me warmly to the campus, spent time to take me on a tour of their facilities and introduced me to staff and students. Although relatively young, He University has expanded remarkably to become one of the highly respected institutions in the region." Rector Michael is exploring opportunities to collaborate with HE University on joint paramedical academic programs.

He University was established in 1999 and is one of the modern and well-endowed universities authorized by the Ministry of Education of China to offer Undergraduate programs, Masters and also Doctoral (PhD) programs. It is situated within the Shenyang Mt. Qipan Scenery and Tourism Development Zone as the only Institution in the Nation founded by Repatriated Medical Doctors.

The 19th Edition of the International Conference - EIRP

Danubius University of Galati, Romania, together with its co-organizing partners, University of Camerino, Italy, University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev", Bulgaria, Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres, Albania, Free International University of Moldova, Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti and Institute for National Economy of the Romanian Academy invite you at 19th edition od EIRP International Conference, May 17-18th, 2024, hosted by Danubius University of Galati, Romania.

The participants, academics, and researchers meet yearly, during the second decade of May, to exchange information and to conceptually debate critical global matters, their effects on human development, and vital statistical facts on major policy areas with implications on a global scale. The purpose of the International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas, research outcomes, business cases, and technical achievements. The subjects of mutual interest debated during the previous editions of the EIRP Conference Series included, but were not limited to: government debt, world trade, environment, migration, information society, dependency on energy imports, circular economy, climate change, economic crisis, etc.

Participants from all over the world are welcome yearly to debate and exchange new ideas and submit their findings to policymakers.

The organizers are looking for original papers, previously unpublished, not currently under review by another conference or journal, that address state-of-the-art research and development in the following areas:

  1. Legal Sciences in the New Millennium;
  2. The Immigrant’s Legal Status in International Law;
  3. The European Citizen and Public Administration;
  4. Green Economy and Sustainable Development;
  5. Modeling Growth – Challenges and Opportunities;
  6. International Relations in the Contemporary World. Geopolitics and Diplomacy;
  7. Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Communication Science;
  8. The University of the 21st century - Challenges, Emerging Models and Perspectives;
  9. New Trends in Psychology;
  10. Sports Governance. Modern Methods and Practices;
  11. The New Paradigm of FinTech and CyberSecurity;
  12. Higher Education Issues, Policy, and Management
  13. The Youth of Today - The Generation of the Global Development - Estudentiana –
  14. Technology in Education
  15. Medical education and health
  16. Health, Politics and Leadership Issues
  17. Issues in Higher Education, Policy and Management

OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: English is the official language of the conference.


Abstract Paper Submission: April 29th, 2024 (on the website of the conference)

Notification of acceptance: April 30th, 2024

Final paper Submission for the proceedings: May 31, 2024 on the Proceedings website EIRP Proceedings  (for those interested in publishing in the conference proceedings)


All papers will be submitted to a scientific review process after which the accepted papers will be published in the EIRP Proceedings, under the ISSN reference 2067 – 9211, included in international databases (BDI).

Deadline for registration and for paying the conference fee: 2nd May, 2024


Bank wire transfer to:

Account Holder:Danubius University of Galati

Address: Bd. Galati 3, 800654 Galati, Romania

Fiscal Code: 2676433

IBAN for LEI (Romanian currency): RO87 INGB 0010 0000 4170 8911

IBAN for Euro (EUR): RO36 INGB 0010 0000 4170 0711


Bank: ING Bank, Galati Branch.

Reference field: EIRP 2024

Details about the topics and the registration - https://conferences.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/EIRP/EIRP2024


Mioara Lepădatu,

PR Specialist

Danubius University Leadership attended the Integration and Innovation: International Conference on Language Services and Areas Studies in the Digital Age in China

In October, Danubius University` s Rector, Dr. Steve O. Michael and professors, Dr. Panaitescu Manuela Carmen and Dr. Tureac Cornelia Elena, participated in a conference entitled "Integration and Innovation: International Conference on Language Services and Area Studies in the Digital Age", organized by the Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE), China in collaboration with Danubius University (DU). The conference that took place in Nanchang, China attracted over 120 experts, scholars, teachers, and researchers from 15 countries.

At the opening ceremony, Chen Shifa, on behalf of the Jiangxi University extended a warm welcome to the Chinese and foreign experts and scholars attending the meeting, and briefly introduced the school’s history, development, achievements, and outstanding contributions in recent years. He looked forward to experts having in-depth discussions on the theme during the academic report session and welcomed Danubius University as a joint sponsor of the conference.

In his opening speech, the DU` s Rector, Dr. Steve O. Michael, briefly introduced the history of Danubius University. He conveyed Danubius University’s greetings to the attendees and to the leadership of the Jiangxi University, and wished the centenary celebration was a complete success. Dr. Michael extended invitation to participants, ”all experts and scholars present here are welcome to visit Europe and Danubius University in Romania for exchanges and cooperation.”

As the keynote speaker, Dr. Michael presented on “The Future of Language Education: The Prospect and Peril of AI Technology,” during which he noted that the perceptions of educators are diametrically opposite to those of IT experts with regard to the implications of AI in education and called for these two groups to hold more joint dialogue.

In addition, Dr. Michael was invited to presented two lectures to students. The titles of these two lectures are: Education for Global Leadership: Importance of the Study Abroad Experience (Lecture to Graduate Students of School of Business Administration, JUFE) and Education for Global Leadership: Realizing the Vision of Belt and Road Initiative (Lecture to Students and Faculty Members of School of Foreign Languages and Areas Studies, JUFE).

Dr. Panaitescu and Dr. Tureac, from the School of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Danubius University had a presentation about the Intercultural Communication in the Digital Age.

The conference reflects three international characteristics. First, it was co-organized by two universities, one from China and the other from Romania. Second, the speakers were from different countries. Third, the topics of the reports were related to language services, regional and country studies, and cross-cultural exchanges.

At the closing ceremony, Rector Michael, conveyed participants’ gratitude to JUFE and especially to the hosts, Dr. Julie and Dr. Sam..and the student volunteers who worked diligently to ensure that everyone was comfortable. He reminded the audience that the 2024 conference will be in Romania and they should learn how to say a few words in Romanian. He taught them how to say ,,Buna dimineata!,,( Good Morning!) and ,,La revedere!,, (Goodbye!).

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