Student of the Month - January

Sergiu Bularda – A Computer Scientist of “A”

Sergiu-Constantin Bularda attends the School of ICT & Applied Sciences at “Danubius” University. He chose this academic road due to the institution’s reputation and, after his first year of study, he confesses that “everything said to be good here is true and the teachers are very well trained”.  

Sergiu got involved in the recently displayed Danubian project on astronomy, endeavor beckoned by the Students’ League. “Everything turned out well and I was really impressed to meet other students, fellow colleagues from other departments”. Last year, for a few weeks, he was a volunteer within the IT Office. He told us that he is willing to participate in other seeming projects as well: “I wish for this to become true and if someone needs my IT skills, I am open to anything and I will do research according to the requirements”. 

Regarding his interactions with the Danubian faculty, Sergiu says that “it’s an honor for me to be able to talk to highly skilled and open-minded professors. All of them are really understanding and if one looks to learn much more by comparison to what they studied during their high-school years, I recommend them the Program I’m attending, the classes being very well taught”. The student is especially drawn by Object Oriented Programming in Java, WEB Development, Operation Systems and C++”.   

Sergiu confessed that his great passion is Informatics, be it software or hardware and explained to us the followings: “I try to develop both of them equally. I put them in practice each time someone contacts me about a computer. I also designed a few programming projects, especially WEB, as I love to work with the <<online>> ”.

In the foreseeable future he plans to continue on the path of programming, eventually exactly as a programmer. He already started to attend a number of private courses, held by a firm in Galați, namely IV Future that granted him with an important scholarship. Sergiu talked in an appreciative manner about IV Future, saying that “all the employees are wonderful and capable people” and that “our main instructor is a very well trained woman of <<A>>”.

How does Sergiu spend his free time? “Mainly, I work to develop myself professionally, but I don’t neglect my friends and socialization in general. I love to learn to program useful but still complicated stuff. I give my best until everything turns out right, but it’s an enormous satisfaction when you get a code started and looking much better than expected”.


Assoc. Senior Lecturer Petra Alina Marinescu

PR&MEDIA Consultant


Student of the Month - December

Cecilia Olteanu – An Angel of a Person

Cecilia Olteanu attends the courses of the Psychology School of “Danubius” University of Galați. One of her greatest wishes is to wake up in the morning and “in only a few minutes, to be on the Danubius hallways, going anxiously and full of curiosity towards the classroom”.    

Cecilia is grateful for the fact that our predecessors made great efforts that, sometimes, are known only by themselves so that we can learn from “home”, and for her home means Galați and Danubius – at her own home.  

The student explained to us that, from the beginning, she chose to fit in through collective endeavors, taking on diverse responsibilities. She believes that one has to invest personal resources and time to centralize needs – hers and her colleagues’.     

Cecilia is passionate by neuro-programming. “It’s a sort of continuous proof of the world’s moral greatness, a decryption of a language that has always told a story about Creation”, she confessed.

Regarding the disciplines she studies, Psychology of Education is one of her favorites, but also Traumatology, this being the class they wait with anxiety and for which she prepares by accumulating basic knowledge she needs.

Cecilia spends a lot of time reading and appreciating quality time with her family. Moreover, she said that she loves to go hiking, at least once a year. “I was also blessed with valuable friends with an unimaginable human quality and, nevertheless, I always keep an open soul for new life experiences and friendship relationships”, she added.


Assoc. Senior Lecturer Petra Alina Marinescu

PR&MEDIA Consultant

Student of the Month - November

Bogdan Gotu – The Kaleidoscopic Youngster

Bogdan Gotu is a sophomore within the Faculty of Communication and International Relations of “Danubius” University and his belief is that “being a Danubian student is an opportunity offered to young people in this region to study in a university providing superior education of high quality”. For Bogdan, being a Danubian student “implies a personal academic self-outrun will and willingness of adapting to learn new additional thought patterns needed in the development and molding of social competencies”.  

Smart and dynamic, the youngster got involved, since his first year, in a large number of extracurricular activities. Therefore, he participatd in the 16th International Scientific Conference “European Integration. Realities and Perspectives”, organized by “Danubius” University, with two exceptional papers: “Defining corruption - an analysis on the sabotage of Laura Codruța Kövesi in the race for the head of the European Prosecutor's Office” and “Russian Interests in the Black Sea Region”. Furthermore, he took part in the student scientific communication session held by the Faculty of Communication and International Relations, with the following presentation: “Geopolitical Perspectives: The Pandemic Resizes the Forces that Influence Globalization”. Bogdan didn’t miss the opportunity of being part of a panel of the international conference “Two Democratic Societies in Transition: Exploring the Dynamics of a Post-Covid World” either, addressing the audience in English. For the time being, he is a volunteer for the Department of Communication and International Relations.

With regard to the disciplines that Bogdan finds appealing, he says that all of them are equally important, but reckons that he is eager to find out more from the course of “Negotiation and mediation in international relations”, taught in the third year, arguing that “a skilled negotiator is, firstly, an expert in Psychology” and also telling about himself that he is “inclined towards a pacifist nature and towards one of helping the people in need”.

In addition to his Danubian studies, Bogdan attends the courses of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy within “Dunărea de Jos” University in Galați, his major being Dental Medicine, is an intern at the Institute for Political Cyber Studies and volunteer for the National Antidrug Association. Moreover, he is part of an online internship program at the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, being also recently accepted by the National Information Academy “Mihai Viteazul” for an internship. 

How are all these preoccupations prone to go together? “I wish to pursue a career in Intelligence or diplomacy and later to also mix the dental medicine domain in my professional life”, the student explained.

As expected, Bogdan is demanding regarding the accomplishment of his personal objectives. Still, he told us that socialization is part of his priorities. Furthermore, he finds time to practice Brasilian Jiu-Jitsu being also fond of foreign languages and social psychology.

Asked what else he would want the Danubian community to know about him, the student entrusted us with one of his beliefs, mainly the one that “for being successful in any chosen field, passion, dedication, sacrifices and transversal competencies are required and most important – the first <<no>> shouldn’t come from within”.

We are so proud of you, Bogdan! Congratulations for being selected Student of the Month! You fully deserve it! 


Assoc. Senior Lecturer Petra Alina Marinescu

PR&MEDIA Consultant

Student of the Month - October

Daria-Elena Iftode – “The All-Knowing Kid”

Cheerful and gregarious, a sophomore, Daria-Elena Iftode studies Psychology at the Faculty of Communication and International Relations, at “Danubius” University. This special youngster told us she chose “the Diamond on the Danube” given the young faculty and the vast material basis the institution offers, being also motivated by the graduates’ successful carriers.

Daria didn’t lose any time and, when being a freshman, she decided to enroll in the Students League. This quality has already given her the chance to be part of a number of challenging Danubian projects. Daria was a volunteer for the “Love Festival”, an annual event organized by the University, but also part of an insightful workshop focused on personnel development, which she found useful for her future psychologist carrier. But the most important project in which Daria got involved until now was the international academic conference TSTD - "Two Democratic Societies in Transition: Exploring the Dynamics of a Post-Covid World". On this occasion she became part of the organizing team, having the honor to be selected Student Advisor to the Rector. “I had the opportunity to exchange ideas on various topics as education, politics, economy and health with the American students Hortensia, Lee and Josi who, meanwhile, also became my friends”, told us Daria with enthusiasm.

Regarding her academic activity within the Faculty of Communication, the student is especially interested in disciplines as “Psychology of Age” or “Social Psychology”, being fond of the study of human behavior. As a future psychologist, Daria looks to work in the fields dedicated to family psychology and that of couples therapy.

Alongside with her Danubian studies, Daria is also enrolled in two other faculties. She attends the courses of the Law Faculty, at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iași and also the courses of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, at the “Dunărea de Jos” University in Galați. It doesn’t come as a surprise that her friends gave her the following nickname: “The all-knowing kid”. Daria explained to us that she loves to constantly learn new things and she always tries to be up-to-date.

But Daria’s interests go beyond the academic sphere. She loves to travel, is passionate about the plurality of cultures and of foreign languages. Moreover, the youngster reckons to be “hungry of history”. You might not believe it, but Daria also finds time for her to relax: “I love to spend my evenings playing society games, with hot tea, dear friends and lots of good vibes.”

We are so proud of you, Daria! Congratulations for being selected Student of the Month! You fully deserve it!  

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