

Buna ziua! Bun venit la Universitatea Danubius!

Ma bucur sa va vad pe toti la aceasta ceremonie!


My name is Dr. Steve O. Michael, a professor of higher education management and finance, and the Rector and Chief Executive Officer of Danubius University presiding over the University’s 2023 commencement ceremony.  Before I begin my opening remarks, I would like to acknowledge the presence of members of the Administrative Board, the Senate members, Deans, and Department Heads, faculty and staff, and my executive leadership which consists of Vice Rector Florian Nuta, Vice Rector Alina Raileanu, General Counsel Gina Goga, and Vice Rector Filip Stanciu who is also part of this program. 


As you can attest, this amphitheater is well decorated.  Many volunteer hours have gone into decorating and preparing for this commencement ceremony.  Therefore, please join me to thank all the volunteers and staff who worked on the commencement program.  Thanks to Dr. Alina Chesca, my interpreter. 


In the United States of America where I come from, commencement ceremonies are joyous occasion, a time of celebration of achievements, a time of reflection in gratitude, and a time of expressing gratitude to supporters.  As an American Rector, it is important to me that our commencement ceremonies henceforth reflect that spirit of celebration.  So, congratulations to all of you who are graduating today.  Let’s put our hands together for their achievements.  There is one more group to thank.  You did not accomplish your success by yourself.  I would like you all to rise and face your relatives, parents, friends, families, and supporters to express gratitude to them. 


Congratulations Class of 2023.  You are the first to graduate under me as the Rector.  The way we are conducting this ceremony is different from the past and that shows the many things that are changing at Danubius University.  I have come to join the community to transform the University and a lot is changing already.  About a month ago, I was in Pakistan to sign agreement with a major university there.  The Romania Ambassador welcomed me and announced that Danubius University is the first Romania university to sign agreement with a major university in Pakistan. About 48 hours ago, I was in Israel discussing partnership initiatives with Azirel School of Engineering.  The future I see for Danubius University is to become a model of a global institution in Eastern Europe, an institution where all our students will be trained and educated for world, where our teachers and professors will come from all over the world, where our standards and ethics will reflect international standards, where our students will come from all over the world, and where our name is recognized globally. 


It does not matter what the past is because we have no control over it.  What matters is the future and what we do today in preparation for the future we envision.  I invite you today to join me to see what is possible.  Come and see a bigger and flourishing Danubius University.  Do not look at what it is today but cast your eyes on what the University will be tomorrow. 


In the same spirit Class of 2023, I am looking at you today, but I see something much bigger than you sitting in front of me.  I see your future, some of you getting new jobs, some of you changing jobs, some of you rising to higher professional levels, and some of you coming back for higher degrees.  Oh, I see your future with you reaching for the stars, successful, healthy, and happy in life.  Now that I have told you your future, it is now your responsibility to work toward it and when you accomplish great things, write back to me so I can share your stories with students coming behind.  Congratulations once more Class of 2023. 


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