Two Democratic Societies in Transition: Exploring the Dynamics of a Post-Covid World

Two Democratic Societies in Transition: Exploring the Dynamics of a Post-Covid World

Danubius University has always shown interest and involvement in the local community, but also in the global one and has supported the debates and scientific events in which personalities of high academic and professional standing have been involved.

For this reason, Danubius University organizes together with prestigious US partners, such as the University of Illinois, the University of South Indiana, the University of Richmond, St. Mary's College of Maryland, California State University of San Bernardino, and others the International Conference on "Two Democratic Societies in Transition: Exploring the Dynamics of a Post-Covid World," attended by a number of internationally recognized personalities with highly regarded involvement in the issues that also give the content of the topics of our conference.

This scientific event will be organized betwen September 13 and  15, in the Danubius University campus (Galati Boulevard No3., Galati).

This event celebrates the 10 years of strategic partnership between Romania and the United States of America and is an opportunity to reaffirm the significance of this relationship between the two nations.

Among the personalities who have already confirmed their participation in this Romanian-American forum are Sorin Cîmpeanu (Minister of Education of the Romanian Government), Ronald A. Crutcher (President of the University of Richmond and Chair of the Board of the American Council on Education), Rahn Kennedy Bailey (Louisiana State University), Gabriela Mustata Wilson (University of Texas - Arlington) and others.

The thematic sections of the conference will take place onsite at the headquarters of Danubius University in Galati, where all guest speakers from Romania and the United States will be present.

Because we want a wide participation, the conference will address the hybrid system, so that all thematic sections can be watched online by those interested.

All details about this event and about the registration for participation (in physical or online format) are available at: http://www.conferences.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/TDST/TDS2021/schedConf/overview

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