„Danubius” University, Represented at a Conference Dedicated to the International Day of Philosophy

„Danubius” University, Represented at a Conference Dedicated to the International Day of Philosophy

Taking after an agreeable cultural tradition, on the 18th of November, in Tecuci, philosopher’s Ion Petrovici hometown, an online conference occasioned by the International Day of Philosophy took place. The event was named “The Society’s Drifting, Crisis and Reinventing – Endeavors of Today’s Philosophy” and was organized by the Culture House in Tecuci, in partnership with the National College “Calistrat Hogaș”. Four professors, guests in the event, delivered interesting presentations: George Bondor (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași), Sandu Frunză (Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca), Cristinel Munteanu (“Danubius” University of Galați) and Daniel Mazilu (National College “Calistrat Hogaș”, Tecuci) who also came up with the idea of this scientific display.

Professor habil. Cristinel Munteanu presented a paper called “The Intellectual within the Society. Current Reflections out of José Ortega y Gasset”.

“Lately, one can notice, more and more frequently, within the Romanian society, the existence of a disrespectful attitude towards the authentic intellectual, towards <<the man of books>>. Justifications or explanations regarding a likewise attitude could be discovered (since almost a century ago) as pertaining to Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset who described, in an excellent manner, the intellectual’s status and mission in time. He noticed that the respective attitude is also present in conversation, in others’ talk. I tried to underline at the same time that a certain turn of phrase can either encourage or lead to an inadequate familiarity in relation with the genuine intellectual. Too often is forgotten that language is governed by a couple of intrinsic norms, that the way we speak must be in accordance not only with the topic of discussion and with its circumstances but also with the interlocutor’s status”, Professor Cristinel Munteanu explained.


The recording of the above mentioned presentation can be watched by clicking the following link:



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