The Director of Open, Online & Distance Learning Department, participated at the Digital Education Leadership Academy

The Director of Open, Online & Distance Learning Department, participated at the Digital Education Leadership Academy

The director of Open, Online & Distance Learning Department (OODLD), Mrs. Prof. univ. Dr. Alina Cristina Nuță participated during November 29-December 1 2023 at the Digital Education Leadership Academy (DELA) organized by the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN). Participants from 11 European countries joined the activities of the event hosted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in Barcelona.

The challenges posed by the digital transformation of modern university education have been the focal point of debates among European leaders in the field of distance education. Digital tools that provide support in modern distance education are a strategic reality for European universities in the current era marked by transformations and various global crises.

During the event, workshops were organized to address critical themes for the continuous development of modern education. These themes included strategic planning of digital transformation, solutions and tools for digitization of higher education, success factors in university education in the digital age, the development potential of digital education, and digital education based on scientific research. The speakers presented real-life dilemmas, case examples, and future scenarios that institutions face, which were debated during the activities.

The collaboration of Prof. Univ. Dr. Alina Cristina Nuță with leaders within the network places our university in a privileged position in the European strategic framework for digital education.

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