Professor of the Month - November

Professor of the Month - November

Ion Rusu – A Man of Duty and Modesty

Ion Rusu is Professor at the Law Faculty of “Danubius” University with an academic background that he told us that started immediately after 1990 when, as officer with managerial attributions, but also with attributions in criminal investigations in the Romanian Police, he insisted in increasing his becoming in the juridical field, as also in correctly guiding his subordinated colleagues. He attended postgraduate studies at the Law Faculty in Bucharest, subsequently receiving a Ph.D. diploma from “Al. I. Cuza” Police Academy.      

In 2009 he joined “Danubius” University of Galați about which he told us that, in his opinion, “it has a special significance, representing academic excellence” and that “it is a special place where I have permanently had the opportunity to interact, almost on a daily basis, in a direct manner or electronically, with outstanding people, real teachers who dedicate their entire workday to young people interested in their future juridical carriers”.

An example of dedication is Professor Rusu too, permanently struggling to underline “the importance of the chosen field and its contribution in promoting the fundamental values of a society in continuous change and evolution”. He confessed with enthusiasm: “What can be more satisfying, more attractive, for a teacher than seeing that, after graduation, his former student is concretely engaged in juridical procedures, as a judge, prosecutor, notary, lawyer or, later, manager of a private or state institution?!”.  

Professor Rusu always got involved in the scientific activities organized by the University, a illustrative example being the DAIE Conference about which he says that significantly helped at increasing the reputation of Danubius among the neighbor states – The Republic of Moldavia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Serbia, countries where he promoted, together with his fellow colleagues, the image of the institutions and its research activity.  

Ion Rusu doesn’t miss any participation at EIRP Conferences, annual opportunities for him to present his studies and scientific papers that substantially contribute to the development of the science of law. 

With regard to his academic endeavors, he is author, co-author or coordinator of 17 books and of over 73 studies and articles. At present, he focuses on wrapping up a comprehensive course entitled “Drept penal. Partea Specială (Criminal Law. Special Part)”, having in plan to finalize the last two volumes in a collection of  five, the first three being already published – no less than 1600 pages. About this accomplishment, Professor Rusu says that “thorough examination of these crimes, references to recent judiciary practice, references to the Constitutional Court’s and High Court of Cassation and Justice’s decisions, to older or more up-to-date doctrines, make of this course an useful one both for practitioners and for academia”.    

Moreover, the professor is to publish, as a coordinator, the following master courses: “Individualization of Criminal Law Penalties” and “Judiciary International Cooperation in the Criminal Field”.

Reckoning that he is clearly “inclined towards making effort”, Ion Rusu explained that he likes to honor his duty with modesty and to offer his help whenever it’s needed.  

Asked what message he would want to send to the Danubian community, Professor Rusu used a single overreaching line: “lots of luck in the foreseeable future, luck that will definitely come due to high-performance management and to group power”.


Assoc. Senior Lecturer Petra Alina Marinescu

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