Professor of the Month - May

Professor of the Month - May

Engineering Teacher MAXIM ELENA-LILIANA

With the vocation to teach others and the desire to pass on to future generations all that is the best and most beautiful in life, ELENA-LILIANA MAXIM combines the SUBJECT to be taught with LIFE LESSONS, depending on the situations in the classroom. When everything seems like a GAME, it is much easier to learn and remember the most complex problems.

She entered the education system in 2001 under the guidance of a psychologist from the National School of Court Clerks and, from a Mechanical Engineer and Programming Analyst at Galati Shipyard, she became a teacher of Mechanics, Machine Parts, Technical Drawing, AUTO-CAD and Computer Science at “Traian” Technical College in Galati.

Simultaneously with the work at the teaching desk, she created “Speranța Miron” Creation Workshop where she polished the “flickering light” from the impenetrable corners of childhood, and theater, poetry and good mood are present every Wednesday in the college library, everything with the agreement of the principal with an archangel name, passionate about BEAUTY and TECHNICS in any form transmissible to adolescents.

What could be so close between Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics-Computer Science and Art? A BUTTERFLY (FLUTURE). And from here everything gets complicated… books, magazines, drawings, shows, contests appear…

The pleasure and tact of guiding the young generation makes ELENA-LILIANA FLUTURE MAXIM consolidate her Engineering studies with those of Computer Science and Mathematics, following her father's advice.

Starting from heat and steam treatments to software and hardware, with an abundance of Moisil, Thales and Pythagoras, we have the “WORD” that needs to be programmed, compiled and distributed to students.

If she should talk about herself, she would talk about >>the "CLAY" which, in the hands of a teacher, is molded with LOVE, RIGOUR and LIGHT to get to shine, to turn into a RUBY or DIAMOND with her own work, but also accepting the help of the  mentor, the teacher that can be surpassed at any time. Polishing takes a long time and is sometimes painful, but the consequences over the years are amazing and beneficial to the ennobled human being, but also to society. >> says Mrs. Maxim.

She prefers to read a book from her grandmother's bookcase rather than an online book, and gladly says the following in BOEMA Literary Magazine, being a member of its editorial staff.

"A book, taken in your hand, seems lightweight, but in it we have the unspoken prayer of the one who wrote it. Browsing through it, we most often seek to find that unique prayer among its pages, and when we are lucky, we discover the symphony of Light with it. Books are the gold of the nation, that cannot be forgotten or neglected by anyone.

As the prayer raises the soul towards God, in the "church of letters" (the library) the reader is and will be carried on the books’ wings to the immaculate universe of the nation and exalted by the scent of past ages, sublimely kneeling on the carpet of knowledge. Let us pray that the dust of time does not settle on any book and will never bury it in the oblivion of the tumultuous daily life.” http://www.inforapart.ro/boema/reviste/Boema009.pdf

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