New Cooperation Agreement Enables International Collaboration Between Danubius University and Michigan State University, USA

New Cooperation Agreement Enables International Collaboration Between Danubius University and Michigan State University, USA

The International Relations Department of Danubius University  is pleased to announce a new international cooperation agreement between Danubius University and  Michigan State University, USA. The ceremonial signing of the agreement between William B. Harvey, Rector of Danubius University, and Linda Sheryl Greene, Dean of MSU College of Law, took place on November 10 at the Law College in East Lansing, Michigan.

This international cooperation agreement between Danubius University and MSU lays the groundwork for the students and faculty of both schools to engage in deeper international engagement and explore new possibilities for joint projects, faculty and student mobilities, and other endeavors.

With his appointment in January 2021, Rector Harvey is the first American to serve as the head of a Romanian University. Prior to that appointment, Rector Harvey has been a professor at the University of Virginia, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and North Carolina A&T University. As Rector, he has focused on expanding Danubius University’s connections within the international community and brings a lifetime of experience in the area of diversity, equity, and inclusion to his role.

Dean Linda Greene joined the MSU College of Law in June 2021. Before joining MSU, Dean Greene was the Evjue Bascom Professor of Law at the Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison, where she also served as Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Along with building diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at the Law College, Dean Greene has demonstrated a commitment to the Law College’s international programs and outreach.

The mission of the International Relations Department is to develop and implement the Internationalization Strategy of Danubius University as well as to promote its international profile as a forum for education, science and culture in Romania, Europe and in the entire world.

More information about this event - https://www.law.msu.edu/news/2021/msu_law_danubis_collaboration.html?fbclid=IwAR0j4Yl7LuBVMgUbnpIVB_I1ubCRdfLofaUczig9JGEewD-TmDJFJUYYkGk

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