Gabriela Mustață Wilson: The Joy of Discovery: My Story of Courage, Growth, and Transformation

Gabriela Mustață Wilson: The Joy of Discovery: My Story of Courage, Growth, and Transformation

Phenomenal Women Series is one of the events that are being organized throughout 2022, under the auspices of "30 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION, in which the entire Danubian community celebrates 30 years of Danubius University.

In February 15, even on the Day of Celebrating the 30 Years Anniversary, an extraordinary woman will be present on the stage of the Great Hall, an example for the young generation, for the ambition, determination, courage and strength to take it from the beginning to fulfill her greatest dream. We will be honored to give the floor to Ms. Gabriela Mustata Wilson, a professor at University of Texas-Arlington, USA, but also a member of the Danubius International Advisory Council.

Dr. Gabriela Mustata Wilson is an internationally recognized health informatics expert with a passion for harnessing the power of research and translating it into community action. She is a Professor and Founding Co-Director of the Multi-Interprofessional Center for Health Informatics at the University of Texas-Arlington, USA. With a background in chemical engineering, pharmacoinformatics, health informatics and public health informatics, Dr. Mustata Wilson bridges the knowledge-to-action gap related to integrating public and ecological health to foster resilience. For the past twenty years, she has educated and trained learners in various interprofessional settings conducted research in industry and academia and led partnerships across industry, academic institutions, and the community. Dr. Mustata Wilson has demonstrated her active support to the Health Informatics community by serving in numerous leadership positions within the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). She is currently the co-chair of the HIMSS Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) International Initiative, a global initiative fostering community development and workforce development using an interprofessional approach. Dr. Mustata Wilson is a Fellow Member of HIMSS bestowed in recognition of service, professional participation, job experience, publications, and presentations. She is also a Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), a distinction given to individuals who demonstrate a high degree of innovation through US patents that have brought a real impact on society's welfare. Her most recent activities are focused on addressing racial injustice and health inequity by advancing a community partnership model of outreach to Latino populations that empowers communities through participatory discussion. As a result of her leadership and collaborative efforts, the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USU) named the University of Texas-Arlington as its inaugural Racial Justice and Equity Program Award Winner in 2021.

The Phenomenal Women series has the mission to connect and empower women and young girls, through their personal support for professional growth, for the development of leadership skills, through coaching and mentoring.

Danubius University aims to create safe spaces to discuss women's strategies for career and business advancement, to capitalize on the strength of women and young girls across the board. Also, through this series, we aimed to promote interdisciplinary thinking leadership and the exchange of knowledge between women leaders in various spheres of economic, social, cultural and political influence.

The event will start at 1 P.M., in the Great Hall, in Danubius University and it will be broadcasted live on Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/DanubiusUniversity.

The official media partner of this series of events is the AGERPRES National Press Agency.


Oana Draganescu

PR & MEDIA Director

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