A New Journal under the Umbrella of Danubius Academic Publishing House

A New Journal under the Umbrella of Danubius Academic Publishing House

Danubius Academic Publishing House brings to your attention the issuing of a new journal: New Trends in Psychology. This academic review will publish studies and research endeavors centered on topics pertaining to general psychology, cognitive psychology, creativity, work and organizational psychology, child psychology, educational psychology, human development, speech therapy, psychopathology and psychotherapy.     

The journal addresses undergraduates and master communities enrolled in “Psychology”, faculty and professionals interested in their own personal development, but also ones from other related study fields like sociology, social work, special psycho-pedagogy or medical school.

The review will be useful especially for students and specialists preoccupied with the theory and practice of the modern methods in applying psychology.  

Only articles written in English will be accepted.

The journal will be issued twice a year, in February and October, under the print ISSN: 2668-0696, being indexed in PROQUEST data base.

The review can be found at the following link: https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/NTP/index.

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