
Publishing House

Editura UDG

In an environment of performance and creativity, Danubius International University Press carries out its daily activity of valuing scientific research by disseminating its results: the 12 specialized journals (Danubius Journals & Danubius Proceedings), published books, partnerships with prestigious publishers in the country and abroad, being working tools available to members of the Danubian academic community. Danubius University Press (EUD) focused on providing course materials, publishing Danubius University’s journals, processing them to meet the most demanding publishing standards, collaborating with foreign authors in order to disseminate the university’s publications and events.

EUD offers:

- a publishing contract;

- ISBN (international book identification code)

- access to the full text on the publisher's website (https://eud.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/EUD) without login or costs;

- the format of the manuscript is established with the author (B5 or A5);

- the possibility to correct before the completion of the book (the manuscript must have at least two scientific referees);

- the cover is achieved according to the title, theme and wishes of the author;

- printing lasts about 10 working days, after the approval of the final content, the online version will be available the next day (with the author's consent);

- promoting the manuscript on all social networks of Danubius International University, on the official website of the University, on the website of the Publishing House (https://eud.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/EUD) and in the network of institutional partners of Danubius International University.

The Team



Andrei Tatulici


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